Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Moving Date

It is finally sinking… We are leaving Manila for Buenos Aires. Yesterday and today a crew of men came into our home to help us pack our stuff. They are sifting through our drawers, papers, photographs, shoes, clothes, and yes, even our underwear. 

 The sound of ripping tape, crushed brown butcher papers and boxes everywhere has become a too familiar scene in our almost 10 year of married life. Same sound, same situation but a lot of stuff and a different destination. It seems like we were doing this yesterday. 

This time around we took time to decide the number of clothes, number of days left and the impossible equation of what goes to Salt Lake, what goes to Argentina and what stays. Many of our things have found new owners. For someone like Daniel who likes order and hates making mistakes this may hurt his brain. For someone like me who loves to keep things and hates to throw anything away can drive me to insanity. It did the first two times I had to do this but somehow this chaotic scene is becoming so familiar to me now that experiencing this falls into an order in my life that makes sense and weirdly makes me feel like life is good and the way it should be. 

Today is Daniel’s mom’s birthday and as crazy as this day might be, we don’t want to forget it. During these times, there are a lot of lesson that are reinforced in my mind. First, everything we own is just stuff. I can live with or without it. Whatever it is, it might survive the move or might not. No worries. We should be o.k. if something is missing.

 Second, I can live with a lot less than I think, getting rid of stuff feels good because it makes room for more important things Most importantly even when we still don’t have a home in Buenos Aires, (the one we found received a better offer) My husband is the core. He is my constant. He is true to me and I am true to him. Our love and devotion for each other is the only thing that matters and never changes. 

 I don’t mind looking at our stuff all boxed up. Go ahead and box anything you want. I only have one thing that can’t be taken, broken, or lost. My amazing husband.

Con amor,

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