Friday, March 6, 2020

Mary and Martha

How I wish I had lived in the time of Jesus because I know for sure I would have invited him to dinner. In this story, Jesus went to the home of His friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Mary sat at Jesus feet to hear His teachings, while Martha prepared a meal.

Martha wanted Mary to help with work so she said to Jesus: " Bid therefore that she help me." Jesus understood how Martha felt, but he told her that Mary was wise in choosing to listen to Him. His teachings will stay with her always.

Sister Bonnie Parkin a former Relief Society General President, taught: "Mary and Martha are you and me... These two loved the Lord and wanted to show that love. On this occasion, it seems to me that Mary expressed her love by hearing His word, while Martha expressed hers by serving Him... Jesus did not dismiss Martha's concern, but instead redirected her focus by saying choose "that good part." And what is that? ... The one thing that is needful is to choose eternal life. (2 Nephi 2:28) We choose daily (chasing charity) "That Good Part"

Con amor,


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