Thursday, February 18, 2021

How to Cope with Anxiety

It seems like more and more people deal with anxiety. Whenever I feel a little anxious, maybe I am about to travel somewhere I have not gone before or need to have a crucial conversation with someone, I do the following to calm my nerves:


For starters I do two things. I  pray as soon as I get up before doing anything else.

I pick up where I left and continue my reading (Come follow Me) for 10 minutes give and take.

The rest of my day may include:

Yoga and meditation

Reading from good books, (fiction or non-fiction)

Listening to talks, devotionals or any of Cristi’s podcasts like“The playful nest” and do her affirmations 

working out or walking at least 10,000 steps 

Working on some hobby like piano, writing, watercolor, family history or cooking to take my mind off from the worry and that about does it for me. 


I like what someone posted on Facebook.  


Emergency Bible numbers


Upset? John 14

Weak? Psalm 18:1-9

Lonely? Psalm 23

Sinned? Psalm 51

Worried? Matthew 9: 19-31

Anxious? Phi 4:4-9

Unhappy? Col. 3: 12-17

In Danger? Psalm 91

Depressed? Psalm 27

Lack of Faith? Exodus: 14

Others Unkind? John: 15

Need Courage? John 


Reading the scriptures does the trick every time. 


Con amor,


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