Wednesday, February 24, 2021

What My Parents Did For Me

Told me no when I wanted to go on sleep overs.


Only bought what they could afford during the war years. 


Allowed me to be me by letting me convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Work ethic from the time I was sixteen when I got my first job. 


Love for good books. They had an amazing library. 


Forgiveness does not mean reconciliation.


Know who you are and stay true to yourself.


Despite their own volatile relationship, I knew they loved me. 


They taught me to work hard and live an honest caring life.


Gave me three little sisters.


My mom taught me that I was a strong independent woman who could do hard things. 


Allowed me to move away from home so I could meet many types of people and cultures.


My parents showed me to care about people with the same eyes that God sees them. And whatever you do, always go the extra mile and do your very best with a good attitude. 


To remember who you are and do the right thing. Choose honesty and never lie or cheat. Have integrity. Take control of being self -reliant. 


Those are the best things a parent can teach a child. 


Con amor,


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