Tuesday, August 31, 2021

What it means to be "bien educado"

In my precious life, I used to teach at Reid School. I taught Spanish for many years and Pre-school too. What this teacher said is true. 


(Written by a 1st grader teacher to all parents) 


“When I look around my classroom I couldn’t tell who crawled first, who walked before one or spoke in sentences by 15 months. I can’t tell you if their parents breastfed or bottle fed. No clue if they still wear pull-ups at night, because I’m sure many do! 


I don’t know if their mom ever left them to cry it out for a few minutes or if they strapped them to their bodies 24/7. You know what I can tell when I look at my kids? 


I can tell which family value kindness and manners in their homes. I can tell when a child feels loved and secure at home (and at school which sadly isn’t always everyone’s’ school experience!) I know who has pizza and movie Friday nights and which mom or dad reads in different voices for bedtimes. 


I see how kids handle scary situations like thunderstorms. I can see who has a solid routine at home and who has chores and responsibilities. I can hear how you speak to your children by how they speak to others. 


When I took at my little friends I don’t see their milestones, I see who they are: their heart, their actions their inner voice, their struggles and triumphs, and I see you; and all the love you pour into them. 


We are always supposed to talk about testing and benchmarks and data during parent teacher conferences and I had a mom last time look at me and say “I don’t worry about all the reading and math, she will get there. I want to know…how is she, ans a person? Is she kind? Does she include others?” 


That took my breath away and is something that will always stick with me!!!


I second everything this teacher said because the term in Spanish “bien educado” refers to more than knowing writing, reading, math and science, it’s more about who you are as a person. 


Con amor,


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