Saturday, April 30, 2022

When there is a will, there is a way!

I was touched by what my cousin Norma said on social media: “Because I’ve lived long and well, I’ve cried many tears of sadness, frustration, joy, and laughter. Today, I was suddenly overwhelmed after I posted my last law school “discussion board” assignment. It finally hit me that I accomplished this thing!


I was a teen mom. I don’t talk about this often because many memories are painful or stressful. Darren and I brought Brandon home in an old car seat donated by the hospital. The first couple weeks Brandon slept on the floor in a dresser drawer because we didn’t yet have a proper baby bed. We had no phone, and our immediate families were thousands of miles away in South America. 


I couldn’t graduate high school that year because we could not afford child care for those last two months of my semester. All the statistics showed that Brandon had a great likelihood of becoming a felon, but instead he became a dentist.


Having a baby before graduating from high school meant that I had small odds of attaining a college degree, and even less odds for an advanced degree. To compound matters, Latinos are among the least represented in the legal profession. There are fewer than 5% Latin lawyers, even though Latins comprise about 18.5% of the U.S. population. And Latina lawyers comprise less than 2% of the bar. I’m now just weeks away from a Juris Doctor.


The point of this is not for you all to give me an “atta girl,” (so please don’t 

). Instead, I just want to express that we can all defy bad odds and statistics. Our less-intelligent choices don’t have to define us permanently.

I am so grateful for all of you who are a part of the fabric of my life. In big and small ways, I was blessed with people who were role models, and encouraged and helped me at all stages: family, friends, acquaintances, employers, co-workers, professors, strangers. I’ve known many of you for a long time, some since my childhood. Nobody ever questioned my ability to succeed in anything. Your belief in me gave me confidence to believe in myself. 


From the bottom of my heart: thank you.” 


She is so right, she believed she could do it and did! 


Con amor,


Friday, April 29, 2022

I love Proof

Selling a business that has been your baby for so long must be hard. Here is what Brooks wrote: “It's been a trip for the last 12+years at Proof Eyewear . Little did I know that this little eyewear brand that I started in my garage with a handful of skus and the help of some prize money from a business contest on the HuffPost, and grew with my brothers and the Proof Crew would one day become what it is today. 

From appearing on Shark Tank to magazine spreads to global sales to Beyonce and Snoop Dogg (and many other famous faces) wearing our shades. It’Prrof s been a journey. From day one before we sold a pair of sunglasses, we built into our values that we would give back. We wanted to create a business for good, this was before that trend was something many talked about in business. Truly, the most memorable experiences for me were our projects in different countries with friends old and new, giving back though eye camps, dental camps, community enhancement projects, education and eye surgeries with partners like 
HELP International and people like Eric Ballou and many others that were all made possible because someone bought a pair of glasses from Proof. That still blows my mind, that a simple purchase halfway across the world has affected someone's life in a small and in some cases major way. I remember one of our first eye camps after an older gentleman received an eye surgery after being legally blind for years saw his wife for the first time in a long time and said, "You are more beautiful than I even remembered". That moment and many more like it made our journey so much richer as a brand and company. Our community, staff and customers have always been a huge part of what made Proof such a unique brand and movement. 

It’s a bit bittersweet for me, but such is life sometimes, the season has come to focus on other things and see if someone else is interested in carrying on the mission of Proof so we are putting it up on the market for sale. If you know anyone that would be interested let us know.

Thank you,


What a bittersweet moment in time. I love Proof and love those guys too! 


Con amor,


Thursday, April 28, 2022

My stories

My mother has always been the storyteller in our family. Growing up, there were certain ones that became canon: the time she knew she needed to go to the nearest clinic because she was about to give birth or when she almost had a heart attack but by some miracle she ended up having open heart bypass surgery instead. And when I was a teenager, my mom was one of the first people from El Salvador who went to China, when China was starting to open its borders to tourists. Or when she started working for Casa Flores where she met my father. Over the years, I’ve thought a lot about that particular tale. What if my mom had decided to find work somewhere else? 


It’s also not just about sharing the happy parts of our lives. Especially now, as the world enters the third year of the pandemic, we need to be willing to open up about painful memories, because it shows our children that they are not alone in going through something hard. The knowledge that their relatives and ancestors also had difficult times — wars, depressions, natural disasters — and made it through them can give children confidence.


Parents who share stories about their childhood give children the knowledge that they are part of something bigger, and children who know more family stories may grow up with higher self-esteem and suffer less from depression and anxiety according to studies done on the subject. It can even help heal families who have faced trauma. But like any other skill, family storytelling is a muscle that needs to be built. 


Children learn to tell their stories by listening to how their parents, grandparents and older relatives tell theirs. Whenever there are moments of contact with family members — dinners, gatherings, car trips — those are opportunities for storytelling. Create moments in which storytelling is possible. It doesn’t happen in the midst of a busy day or when everyone’s scrolling through social media on their phones. I love to tell stories because stories are a way of preserving family history but more importantly -- this is the thing we often forget--they create resilience and a sense of continuity.  Telling family stories is powerful, but not always in the way you think, they build a framework to understand painful experiences and celebrate joyful ones. It requires some effort, perhaps even a family ritual and that is what I have become more passionate about lately. 

con amor,




Wednesday, April 27, 2022

I can't stand getting sick!


I knew when I went to bed Sunday night that I was in trouble. I had assumed that Ushuaia never gets freezing cold because it’s by the ocean. I was wrong! It was so cold that I didn’t really enjoy going out. It's at the end of the world. What was I thinking! 


It didn’t help that I was not getting enough sleep at all either. I sometimes have a hard time sleeping at hotels. After seeing off the last of our employees that had come to the director’s seminar and getting our bags from the airport which was a miracle because the bag people were on strike that day, I finally went to bed. 


Sunday I felt ok but Monday is when it hit me. I felt sick as a dog. My body was about to yell “payback!” for all the extreme cold I had put my body to suffer unnecessarily if I just had taken a heavy coat and not a rain jacket. Why did I think a rain spring rain jacket would be enough?  I’ll never know. Live and learn! Maybe it was because that is what I took when I went in December but April is not Summer anymore. 


I woke up so sick Monday morning with a bad sore throat. it wasn’t even funny and I instantly knew. So for the past three days, I have been rolled up in my bed with no energy to do anything. I took a day Nyquil pill and drank a gallon of water and plenty of vitamin C and at night I took a night Nyquil and that put me to sleep instantly. The last time I was this sick was in December of 2019. 


Tuesday, I did a repeat taking more Nyquil pills but today when the cold got to my chest is when I started taking Prednisone which always does the trick. Is heavy medication, I hate it but I do need it this time or the cough will continue for weeks and at that point I usually have to get antibiotics anyway and that is no fun at all! 


I can’t stand getting sick because I feel like a caged animal when I am sick in bed and all I can do is think of everything I should be getting done but can’t. Being sick is something I just don’t have time for!


I was feeling a little sorry for myself until my neighbor friend brought me a box of chocolates and this quote translated to English reads: 


“Being sick is just your body’s way of saying you’re way too awesome and you need to slow down so everyone else can catch up.”


I love people who find a way to make us feel good when we are feeling down. That and today I love my bottle of Prednisone. I am going to take my pill right now and try to get back to sleep…which means I need to stop typing this blog and put the laptop away…because I have a feeling that blogging and Prednisone just won’t mix…


Here’s hoping for good health tomorrow!


Con amor,


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

I am a grandma again!

Maya Lee Morrison was born this day, April 26, 2022 at 9:44 a.m. In Salt Lake City to Mandy and Spencer Morrison. She had gone the day before to get a pre-natal massage and when she was paying for the massage is when she felt something wet but thought nothing of it. She went to lunch with her friend but as she spent those extra two hours she knew this time the wetness was continuing when she called the doctor, she immediately told her to get to the LDS hospital to get checked. She was hoping that it was a false alarm the way she had experienced before but this time it was the real deal. 


They induced her the next day and as she was starting to push the nurses and the doctor were in a panic mode because the heart beat was diminishing the doctor was about to use a vacuum when little Maya made her debut. She is beautiful. She is a tiny little thing just 5 lbs. 4 oz. and because she is low weight, they will keep her an extra day to check up on her. So far, she is a healthy, happy and very hungry baby. Apparently, there was an issue with Mandy’s placenta and the umbilical cord that made it hard for the baby to get the proper nourishment so it was a good thing that she was born two weeks early. If the baby had not come on its own, they were going to do a C -section on May 4th. The day I will be arriving. 


I couldn’t go earlier because I got the worst cold and want to feel good before I travel. People hear you coughing and they think you got COVID I am glad that she has family and great friends that will be there to help since she thought she had more time to prepare. Every baby birth has a story and that was Maya’s. 


Motherhood is such a privilege denied to so many. What a blessing that our baby girl has her own baby and for that I am so grateful! 


Con amor,


Monday, April 25, 2022

Loved by those who knew him

Over the past two years there have been many of us who have dealt with tragedy and loss due to the pandemic. I have been thinking lately about my uncle Franklin gone too soon. Some have shared their losses openly with those around us; some have shared their stories of loss with their friends and their coworkers; and some have kept their situations private and coped with it on their own.  Regardless of how we have dealt with it, most all of us have had to go through the loss of loved ones and dealt with tragedy in our life, and with the death of a prominent Senator, Orrin Hatch, it certainly brings those losses to the front of our minds with great soberness. He is one that helped me find solutions to taught immigration cases when I served as the Honorary Consul of El Salvador in Utah. 


But today I was most grateful for the reminder of the importance of a community – it was a reminder that we should all reach out to those around us who may be struggling with loss or hard times in their lives.  Senator Hatch was known to help the community around him. We live or should live in a community that has the ability to support one another, to comfort one another, to lift one another up and help each other on our way.  We have the ability to truly touch one another’s lives for the better here.  We should never let that opportunity pass us by.  We should remember to look out for one another.  We should be caring citizens in our communities that we are blessed to be a part of and Senator Hatch was an example of a caring citizen who went over and beyond the call of duty. 


When my uncle died, I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support that people showed our family.  The kind words, the poems, the smiles, the hugs, and people’s willingness to let the family deal with our feelings when his death was announced and the comments of support that followed from so many.  I cannot even describe how much that support meant to me and my family at that time.  I had never dealt with any kind of loss at that level since my father passed away almost two decades ago. I can honestly say that the people that supported our family made a huge impact in my ability to go forward and do the same for someone who is grieving. 


We live in a community of great people who showed kindness toward us. So, I know the power that exists amongst the people in our communities at work or in our neighborhoods or in our religious groups no matter our political views. It’s sad when some can’t see past their own political agendas and only criticize what the diseased did do or not do. We will all experience death someday. There is power when a community bands together to watch out for each other.  It is something we all need to remember to do for each other.


All of us can impact one another’s lives for the better.  All of us can leave a legacy of love to everyone who ever steps into our community.  That community should include everyone from family, to neighbors, to coworkers, to clients, to vendors, and anyone else our paths cross throughout our day.  Let’s all commit to be there to support one another as best we can through loving words, smiles, encouragement, nice hand written notes, small gestures, whatever we can do to help each other get through the hard times in our lives and the death of a loved one tops them all. 


R.I.P. Senator Hatch! 


Con amor,


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Do What Matters Most

Why re-invent the wheel when I can share from Work and Wonder!  Sunday April 24, 2022

Do what matters most 

By Rebeca Craven


Hi friend,


Most of us have heard the quote, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Well, here's my question then…what does it take for good to triumph in our lives?


I would venture to say it's a lot more simple than we think….


I believe if all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothingthen all that is needed for the triumph of good is that each of us do SOMETHING.


Not everything. And certainly not everything perfectly.


As Sister Craven shared, “It’s not about doing life perfectly—it’s about finding joy while doing our best to live the covenants we have made with the Lord.”


But too often, I think we want to over complicate it. Somewhere along the way we convinced ourselves that only the grand, flawless, and never-missed-a-day efforts counted for something. So even with the best intentions to do good, understand more, or grow closer to Him, we can become paralyzed with what we believe our efforts should look like, and not even try at all for fear of falling short.


“If you want to know anything, you will have to do something. Conversion won’t come while doing nothing. It comes through the power of the Holy Ghost as we intentionally make an effort to know by asking, seeking, and knocking. It comes by doing.”


His is not a gospel of all or nothing, but a gospel of all or something. A gospel of small, daily, genuine efforts through which He graciously and lovingly makes up for all that we lack.


And if we take it even one step further by ensuring our efforts are in those areas that truly matter most, we avoid the lure of the adversary to distract us with things that actually don't carry as much importance when we pause to look a the bigger picture. 


"It takes effort to stay focused on what is truly essential for lasting joy. Satan would love nothing more than for us to misplace our eternal values, leading us to waste precious time, talents, or spiritual strength on things that matter not. I invite each of us to prayerfully consider those things that distract us from doing what mattereth most."


Don't forget, not everyday of doing something will lead to grand ah-ha moments, warm fuzzies of knowing you made difference, or a cheering section to keep you going. Sometimes we don't see the effects of our efforts right away. On those days, remember that no amount of effort goes unnoticed by He who numbered the sand and the stars. He has never stopped, and will never stop, cheering you on.


Give Him your all, even something each day, and He will give you everything.




Ponder your latest good intentions. Try not to get discourage by what you haven't done, but see them as a great place to start because it shows our hearts have the desire to be a little better. Write them down, then write down what you can do to meet those intentions with action. Get specific, even when and where you will show forth the action and effort—your daily something to show the Lord your commitment and desire for a covenant relationship with Him.


I let God prevail in my life by doing something every day to seek Him. I let go of perfection and navigate the distractions as I strive to spend my efforts on what truly matters most.


Friday, April 22, 2022

Directors Seminar in Ushuaia

We did it! 

We had the first director’s seminar in almost three years! We went to Ushuaia from April 19th to the 22nd and I don’t recommend going any later than those dates, unless you enjoy freezing to death because it gets colder and colder until December when it’s supposed to be Summer but it never feels like Summer in Ushuaia. I made the huge mistake of not taking enough warm clothes thinking that we would be inside the hotel most of our stay but forgot about the train ride and the boat ride excursions. Not good! 


My husband got to preside over this event. It was all done is Spanish which was a little different than when we lived in the Philippines. He had all the employees share photos of their families and tell about them. When it was my turn I said the following: 


I explained that our last name can be a little confusing because it is a compound name It is made up of three words Rodriguez de Almeida. Some people call us the Rodriguez others the De Almeidas and for practical purposes we go by the Almeidas but in his country of Uruguay using the last name as Rodriguez the Almeida is very important. 


I told them that together we have 10 children and one in heaven which makes eleven

I Told them about each one by something unique about them:

Andres is the Bishop

Gabriel is still his eternal honey moon 

Pablo is the biker 

Alejandro is the financial guy

Hernan is the handyman

Analia is our doctor

Vale is the creative 

Cristi is our phycologist 

Bianca is our singer

Mandy is the animal lover 


In addition to our ten children we also have nine who have join our family who have become ours too. All married in the Temple. All those with children are raising their family in the gospel and we hope this continues. They have given birth to our 24 grandchildren and one on the way. Out of 24, 8 are girls and 16 are boys so the ratio is two to one. Twice as many boys than girls.


Some know Daniel as a civil engineer, others as a teacher of Calculus, others as their Bishop when he lived in Chile, others as their uncle or their brother, dad, son, or grandpa. Many have known him for twenty- five years as their Director for Temporal Affairs and for 42 years as a Church employee and many more as a brother in the gospel. I know him as my husband and hope you consider him your friend.  


The meeting was all about how to be prepared and to do things as we council together. I told them that for Daniel that was very important to do in a marriage as well. We council together when we go on long trips or when we read the scriptures together or when we pray together or even when we cook together. It is good to always council together when making important decisions. 


Con amor,


Monday, April 18, 2022

Trying and Failing

I am struggling—I feel like I can’t stop eating and I know it’s the fact that no matter what I do whether I eat or don’t eat, it does not make a difference. Sometimes I go a whole day without eating but my weight stays the same and that is when I get discouraged so I start eating. Why starve if it won’t do the trick? 


It’s hard to explain exactly how I felt on Saturday night eating out. We went to our favorite steak house. Daniel ordered the usual appetizer of cheese and chorizo plus a fried empanada. The meal was mostly beef smothered with a yummy mushroom sauce and potatoes. I licked the platter clean and there was dessert of course.  I feel like I am never in the mood for the things I supposed to eat. Salads! On the other hand, I crave bread and sweets. I feel like it’s a rebellion in my mind. I even ate a huge chocolate Easter egg when I know I can’t have chocolate. I learned from when I read the book Bright Line Eating that I am addicted to flour and sugars. 


I think about all my upcoming trips: Ushuaia, Salt Lake, New York, El Salvador and how on earth will I be able to lose 10 kilos while I am traveling so much? According to my sister’s nutritionist, she must eliminate from her diet all flour, gluten, wheat and yeast and anything that contains sugar. Seems extreme. I know. Daniel loves to eat Italian and I do too!


Part of my problem with food and eating has been scarcity mentality, which leads very obviously to binging. It’s the feeling that “I might not have access to this food so I better eat now that I can” whether I was hungry or not.  I also hate for food to go to waste. Here is my dilemma, what do I need to change to make progress? Whatever I am doing is not working. I need to come up with a plan. 

The day I have lost the 10 kilos or 22 pounds that I have put on in the past three years, I will let you know how I did it. 


Con amor,


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter

I love to make an Easter box that contains the following items that correspond to the scriptures about the last week of Christ’s life: 


Palm leaves (Matthew 21:1-3) 

Bread (Matthew 26:26, John 18:18)

3 dimes (Matthew 27:3) 

Sacrament cup (Matthew 26:39)

Soap (Matthew 27: 24-26)

Olive oil (Luke 22:39-44) 

A cross (John 19:17) 

A crown of thorns (John 19: 2-4 and Mark 15: 17) 

A pair of dice (John 19:23) 

Sponge and Vinegar (John 19: 28-30) 

Pieces of fabric (Matthew 27:35) 

Nails (John 19: 18, 37 and John 20: 25-29)

Spices (John 19: 40) 

A stone (Matthew 27: 59-60 and John 20: 11)

A Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7)

An empty egg (Mathew 28:6)


I love thinking of the time I went to the Holy Land in March of 2008 because I had a special witness of Christ while I was there and every year around Easter I write about that experience. I remember thinking while I visited the very place where it is believed He instituted the sacrament, how He is someone who would break bread with enemies. He fulfills His promises. He experienced the bitter cup and anything hard we all have experienced and will experience.  Easter is the time when we want to remember who Jesus Christ is and what He did for us. 

Here is the newsletter I received from Work and Wonder 

Sunday April 17, 2022 

Our relationship with God 

By Todd D. Christofferson


Good morning friends!


I hope you had a most lovely Easter Sunday! I wanted to give yesterday its own space before we dove into week 2 as I know everyone has their traditions and studies they like to focus on this time of year!


So happy Monday! This week's talk is easily in my top 3 from April's conference, and here's why—I've been caught at the “heavenly vending machines" on more than one occasion (okay, many times). In fact, I've made it quite the habit—showing up with my request, inputing the effort I felt would warrant my request granted, then either 1) skipping away in delight or 2) shuffling my feet as I slink off in discouragement.


0/10, I do not recommend this strategy. This is NOT how a relationship is formed, fostered, and strengthened. Not in life with our fellow men, and certainly not with God or our Savior. Because here lies the risk that we will love God solely for what He does for us, instead of loving Him also for who we are becoming because of Him.


Does God have the power to grant our every wish should we put forth good works? Absolutely. But Elder Christofferson reminds us that “not every blessing predicated on obedience to law is shaped, designed, and timed according to our expectations.” We would learn very little and our growth would be stunted if that were the case.


So do our good works matter? Of course! But not because of some, “tally kept in celestial account books. These things matter because they engage us in God’s work and are the means by which we collaborate with Him in our own transformation from natural man to saint.” And that transformation is what better prepares us for the inevitable refining that we will encounter on this path of becoming—this path back to Him.


Building that relationship matters. Instead of only leaning on His power to part the clouds when the storm rages, you'll lean His presence to be with you through it. Let God manifest His love for you in more ways than just what He can do for you, but who He can be for you—who YOU can be, because of that love.




What if in our prayers tonight, we resisted making any requests? What if we did so all week? What might change? I'll be honest, I think it will be tough for me. But I also think it will remind me to simply catch up with Him like a dear friend, to express what's on my heart, thank Him, praise Him, learn to just be near Him. Let's see how it goes, I'd love to hear how your prayers—your relationship—changes. 




I love God for His presence in my life, not just His power. My good works are more than the means to desired blessings, but the way to a holier and happier life as I am transformed in Christ.


 I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.


Con amor,


Saturday, April 16, 2022

7 Easter Quotes

7 Easter quotes to share with your family this weekend

Easter is a wonderful springtime holiday to celebrate with family and friends. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s a time when the earth is waking up, flowers are blooming, and spring is in full swing. And it’s a time to remember our Savior Jesus Christ, His Atonement, and His resurrection. 


Here are 7 beautiful quotes to help you and your family remember why we celebrate Easter.

The Atonement is the greatest evidence we have of the Father’s love for His children. 

Linda Burton (This is the one I am printing to memorize) 

Easter is the day that changed everything. Dieter F. uchtdorf


Jesus Christ.. is the source of healing, peace, and eternal progress. 

Jean B. Bingham


The glorious message of Easter morning is central to all Christianity. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and because of this, we too will live again after we die. This knowledge gives meaning and purpose to our lives. If we go forward in faith.., {we} will be able to endure any hardship with faith in Jesus Christ. S. Mark Palmer


Easter is a celebration not only of the resurrection of Christ but also of the universal Resurrection. “Easter” gospel topics 


He lives to calm my troubled heart “I know my redeemer lives” Hymn 136


Just as the Savior came forth from His stone grave, may we awake from our spiritual slumber and rise above the clouds of doubt, the clutches of fear, the intoxication of pride, and the lull of complacency. Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father live.

 Michael John U. Teh

This Easter I am reading all the talks I can possibly read about the Atonement. 

Con amor,




Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday 2022

It's Good Friday and we are coming back from a quick trip to Uruguay. We left Thursday early in the morning, went all the way to Rocha, spent the afternoon and evening. Went back to Montevideo, and drove back to Buenos Aires today. It was short but sweet. This scripture came to mind as I ponder on Good Friday or "Viernes Santo. " Today is also my son-in-law's birthday who lives in Idaho. We called him to wish him a happy birthday.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

From the KSL newsroom: "For the first time is in more than three decades, members of Islam, Christians and Judaism will mark a Holy Season in April. Three religions leaders in Utah hope the faithful will make this a time of unity."

My favorite talk about this day: "No matter how dark our Friday, Sunday will come." Joseph B. Wirthlin

Today, Christians around the world solemnly remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the willing sacrifice of His life for ours. We know that Christ’s suffering on the cross is an essential component of His Atonement and President Gordon B. Hinckley taught “we cannot forget [the cross]. We must never forget it, for here our Savior, our Redeemer, the Son of God, gave himself a vicarious sacrifice for each of us.”

And yet, though Latter-day Saints have deep doctrinal beliefs about what took place on Golgotha’s hill, we have a complex history with the cross as a symbol. On this Good Friday, take a closer look at the history of the cross in Latter-day Saint symbolism.

Early Christan Symbols

For the earliest Christians, the cross represented gruesome torture and exquisite death. While we are far removed from the depravity of crucifixion today, death by crucifixion was common for slaves and the lower classes. Thus, the cross was not a popular Christian symbol in the first few centuries following Christ’s death. This isn’t to say the cross wasn’t associated with early Christians or used in iconography; it simply wasn’t venerated on the same scale in later years and was included in a wide array of symbols, including the ichthus, the dove, and the good shepherd.

In his book, The Cross Before Constantine, Bruce W. Longenecker helps us understand the meteoric rise of the cross as a symbol after the Roman emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and legalized the faith.

It all comes to finding your way to always remembering him, for some is the cross and for others is something else but the point is to make a commitment to always remember Him. 

Con amor,


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

None Were with Him - An Apostle's Easter Thoughts on Christ

I marvel at the condescension and the ultimate sacrifice of the greatest of all to manifest His perfect love for us all. He did the most selfless act that I will always be appreciative and profoundly grateful for. Today I am reading "Witness for His Names" by Elder Holland. In his book, he shares his notes and insights about the many names of Christ he has studied in his almost three decades as an Apostle. He promised that as we study these titles to learn more about who He was and is, we will find ourselves learning more about who we are and what we may become. In so doing, we will gain a greater understanding of our covenants and how each of us can more fully bear witnesses of Christ's holy name.

Con amor,

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

A chosen Witness

Mary Magdalene: A chosen witness! 

Jesus Christ is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. He gave His life two millennia ago, to atone for the sins of all mankind—including each of us. In the next few days, you can take a brief look at the Crucifixion and Resurrection events from the perspective of Mary Magdalene, who was a witness to the Crucifixion and the first witness to the resurrected Christ.

Even though Mary Magdalene is one of the best-known characters in the New Testament, very little is written about her in the Gospels—she is mentioned only 12 times. However, a simple time line of the events surrounding the Crucifixion and the Resurrection as seen from her point of view is instructive and eye-opening. In fact, reading about them and how Mary responded to them can help us see these historical events from a different perspective.

We may worship Jesus Christ publicly at times, but true devotion happens in the quiet chambers of our heart. As we approach Easter and study the daily aspects of the last week of the Savior’s mortal ministry (you can also watch depictions of these events), you can use Mary Magdalene’s experiences as a portal to insert yourself into that situation and ponder how you might have acted if you were there.

What would I have done if I were there? The answer to this question is as crucial for us as individuals today as it was for each of the witnesses to those glorious events then.

Con amor,


Monday, April 11, 2022

Family Home Evening on Easter

Ideas for Family Home Evening on Easter


The Symbols of Easter 


Scripture Matthew 28:6 

“He is not here. For He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” 


Begin, giving each child a piece of paper and coloring pencils Have them draw something that reminds them of Easter. Have them describe their photo and why they chose to draw it.

Read aloud: Easter is a time to celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Easter week, Christ created the sacrament, taught in the temple, suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, was crucified on the cross, and rose from the dead.


Sometimes we forget what Easter is all about. We love to eat candy and go on Easter egg hunts. While these things are fun, we need to remember to keep Christ at the center of our Easter celebrations.

Let’s take a look at some of the symbols of Easter and how they can actually point us to Christ.

Easter Eggs: Easter eggs are hollowed out eggs decorated with colors and designs. Originally, Easter eggs symbolized the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. They also symbolize new life and resurrection. Though an egg is a stationary object, it holds new life inside it.

Bunnies: Bunnies can have lots of babies. In many cultures, they are a symbol of fertility and life. The Easter season is a time of rebirth and renewal.


Lilies: Jesus Christ himself referenced the lily flower when he said, “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, they spin not.” The Easter lily is white, symbolizing purity and there is even an old Christian legend that lilies grew in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s death.


Easter candy and baskets: Gift-giving is always a symbol of the greatest gift God has given us. A basket filled with sweet treats points us to the sweetness of God’s love and the gift of Jesus Christ.


Lamb: Lamb is a traditional Easter food and you will often seen lambs as a symbol. Lambs were the most sacred sacrificial animal and a symbol of the Savior. Jesus Christ was our perfect sacrifice, without blemish.




Begin the lesson by asking the group what some of their favorite Easter traditions are. Discuss.

Read aloud: As we enter the Easter season, it is important to find ways to take our favorite and fun traditions and keep them centered on Christ.

Many of the symbols of Easter can actually help us have a more spiritual focus. Discuss the symbols as described above.

Ask: What other ways can we add Christ to the center of our Easter?

Read aloud: Just as we can find deeper meanings in the symbols of Easter, we can find things that point us to Christ as we go throughout our days.

Ask: How can we find connections to Christ as we go throughout our daily lives?

Finish the lesson by bearing your testimony of the importance of Easter.



Read through the lists of symbols and make a plan on how to decorate a space in your life with some Easter symbols. Make a goal to think of Christ when you see that symbol. Write down a list of ways you will prepare for the Easter holiday so Christ is at the center of it.



Easter Snack Mix


4 c. Chex Cereal (use what you like, wheat, corn or rice)
2 c. Pretzels
2 c. Cheerios
1 c. candy coated Easter eggs (Hershey’s, Cadbury, M&M, etc)
1 bag White Chocolate Chips (12 oz)


1.    In a large bowl, mix all ingredients except White Chocolate Chips.

2.    Place white chocolate chips in microwave safe bowl. Melt for 1 min. 30 sec. at 70% power and stir until smooth.

3.    Pour chocolate over snack mix and stir.

4.    Pour on wax paper and let set until hard.


Con amor,
