Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Sunday Notes


Paying tithing is not a token gift we are somehow charitably bestowing upon God. Paying tithing is discharging a debt. 

We will give the God and Father of us all a helping hand with His staggering task of answering prayers. Providing comfort drying tears. And strengthening feeble knees. If we will do that, we will be more like the true disciples of Christ we are meant to be. 

He does not need you to be His sheriff, He needs you to be His sharer. 

Less about the way I which we were deliverer and more about the deliverer himself.

Grace is curative, redeeming and enabling.

He can heal broken.

We can fix this together

Every act of kindness and concern is the covenant way.

God’s plan is not a cosmic vending machine.

 Our deliverance will look different for each person, but there is nothing broken that He cannot heal. 

Waiting on the Lord can be a sacred place.

Rather than get angry with God, get close to God.

Forgiveness is the noblest gift we can give each other and ourselves.

Salvation is a personal matter, exaltation is a family matter.

Forward thrust. Positive momentum.

There is too much refining to do for this path t be made easy.

How should I go up to the Father and you (our friends, neighbors, family, community, not with me? All of us should be striving to gather Israel and leave none behind, take them all with us. 

Raising our kids to be self -reliant

Fear not, I am with thee.

Our emphasis should always 

Is it well with my soul

Covenant path

Daily repentance

Learn about God and how He works

Seek and expect miracles

Seek an end to conflict.

Spiritual momentum:

Get on the covenant path and stay there

Discover the joy of daily repentance

Learn about God and how He works (pray always, learn to conquer Satan)

Seek and expect miracles

End conflict in your personal life. (humility strength and courage are required) 

Caution: Returning to the covenant path is not easy. It is meant to test and teach us. 

The Savior gave His life so we could go home.

Find joy in daily repentance 

Give God a fair share of your time

The prophet promised: you will be able to move forward with increased momentum, greater strength to resist temptation, more peace of mind, freedom from fear and greater unity in families. 

We need daily worship experiences with God.

Cast Satan’s influence out of your life. 

Past admonitions: Hear Him, Moving Mountain, Let God prevail, Covenant Path.

Learn about God and the way He works.

Seek an end to a personal conflict that has weigh you down. 

Doubt nothing.

Satan enjoys in your misery, cut it short!

A testimony that is not nourished daily by the good work of God can crumble. 

How can I go to the Father and not take you with me.

We have never needed positive momentum more than now.

We need the peace that only the Savior can bring.

None of us can control others but we can control ourselves. My call is to end conflicts that are reaching into your heart, your hone, your life. Bury any weapons such as temper, a sharp tongue or resentment toward someone who has hurt you. 

Whether in a chapel, synagogue, mosque or tin-rooted hut, Christ’s disciples, and all like-minded believers, can express devotion to God by worship of Him and willingness to serve His children. 

His gospel blesses families here on earth and throughout the eternities. 

When religion is given the freedom to flourish, the good of religion, the reach of religion, and the heroic acts of loving our neighbors which religion inspires. Only multiply. 

Self- reliance has helped me gain the needed skills to be spiritual self -reliant. 

Religious freedom = love

Who will respond to the Saviors plea? We will! 

Believers perform simple and sometimes heroic acts of service.

Jesus went about doing good so must we.

Serve, love; Share, invite. Nothing new, extension of who we are. 

Jesus was the answer then and He is the answer now. 

Come and belong!

We all need to help others return to Him. He gave His life to bring us home.  

God will deliver, leave it to him. The management and timing. 

Provers: 3: 5-6 

Don’t get angry with God, get closer to God. 

We are God’s children set apart for immortality and eternal life. 

We can trust God and find joy in Him.

Waiting on the Lord can be a sacred place.

Come and see, come and serve, come and belong!

We are the focus of Heavenly Father’s plan

BE always ready for Him to do His work in His way through us.

Call upon them, walk with them, allow them to walk with you and prevail in your life. Let God prevail.

Waiting and learning in the sacred places, this is a sacred place to wait and learn of Him. Choose Him again and again. 

Even if you don’t know the meaning of all things, know God loves His children. 

The father in the prodigal son story started with love.

The miracles we need will fall on the very day we need them.

Forgiving others is a universal commandment. 

Jesus Christ is the answer. Why does Heavenly Father’s personalized plan for us include helping others to return to Him? Because that is how we became like Jesus Christ. God has a plan of happiness for each one of us individually. 

He knows our hearts, our names and what He needs us to do. 

None of us are beyond the reach of Christ’s healing powers. He loves us all, His atonement was for all. 

Intentionally choose Jesus Christ, again and again. 

How shall I go to my Heavenly Father and you not be with me.

A close relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is worth every cost

He can fix all broken things in your life 

The world is in desperate need of disciples of Christ, sharing his love. Come see and come belong. 

Whenever we show Christ like love towards our neighbor, we preach the gospel even if we do not voice a single word. 

Forgiveness is one of the noblest gifts we can give each other

Jesus Christ was the answer than and he is the answer now. Our focus should be less upon the way in which we are delivered and more upon the deliver Himself. 

In the end, it is the blessing of a close and abiding relationship with the Father and the Son that we seek. It makes all the difference and is everlasting worth the cost. 

 (Afternoon )

Your experience with the scriptures must be your own

When we study the scriptures, there is no spiritual famine in the land

Desperate Vs. the still small voice 

The gift of agency is not simply the right to choose. It is the opportunity to choose the right.”

The Savior isn’t a rest area or land mark. He is the way

It is not only possible but essential go love a child of God who also has beliefs different from our own. 

In mortality, it is our strength that is being tested—not God’s 

When choosing the Lord, we may choose persecution. If that’s true, I choose to be persecuted with you wonderful women as we stand out and speak up together.

Focus on your destination and get pedaling

There is always something wonderful and fascinating to learn about Jesus Christ and His gospel. Stand in Awe of Jesus, in spiritual wonder. 

Stand out, speak up. Be different, undoubted courage. 

We shouldn’t live our faith at periscope depth

Giving our all requires letting some things go and letting other things grow. 

Sacrificing anything that is holding us back, and then consecrating our whole selves’ souls to Jesus Christ. It wall becomes one work, one joy, one holy purpose. 

Consistent daily efforts. The core of our efforts should be love the Lord and our neighbors.

If we really want to be disciples of Christ, we will find a way

When we consecrate something we don’t leave it at the altar; we put it to service. We dedicate it to Him and is service. Many of us will not be called upon to sacrifice our lives, but we are all invited to consecrate or lives too Him. 

You will be my people and I will be your God

There is no substitute for the time you spend I the scriptures hearing the Holy Ghost speak to you.

Sacrifice what is holding you back and consecrate the rest.

Maintaining balance is about moving forward

My home is a sanctuary where God comes first. One benefit of Come Follow Me!

Let some things go and some things Grow

We need to immerse ourselves with faith and real intent in the Savior… there is always something wonderful and fascinating to learn about Jesus and His gospel.

The blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ are immeasurable because they are eternal. Choose to come. 

Complacency is a daily foe

Crowds cannot make right what God has made wrong 

“Positive spiritual momentum increases as we worship in the temple and grow in our understanding of the magnificent breadth and depth of the blessing we receive there.” President Nelson

WE can’t be casual or occasional. 

We choose faith 

Focus on the eternal blessings of the temple

One work, one joy, one holy purpose

The good Shepard is always good 

We need to choose to come

Out of small things proceeded that which is great

There are a lot of things we can’t control. One thing we can control is the use of our time. The Now on which we stand is all we have.

Now, it's time to dig in! 

Con amor,


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