am a huge fan of fairy tales. I absolutely love Disney movies. I
adore princesses. I love the idea of “Once Upon a Time” and even more I
love the idea of “Happily Ever After”. And what girl doesn’t love
the thought of finding her Prince Charming who will carry her away on his white
horse into the beautiful sunset?
I get that life isn’t a perfect fairy tale? Of course! But I love that
each of our lives starts with our own “Once Upon A Time”. I love that
each of us starts our story with a book of blank pages that we can fill in with
whatever story we choose to. And I love knowing that no matter how many
hard things we may go through during the writing of our own fairy tale, if we
live our lives right and do our best, I love that all of us are guaranteed a
“Happily Ever After” even if we don’t get to experience it until we pass from
this life into the next life to receive our rewards in Heaven. I love
knowing that we have the control of our own free agency to make choices that
will make our “Happily Ever After” come true. There is comfort in knowing
that all have to do to become perfect someday is just keep trying our best
today. I love that when we make a mistake we can get back up, brush
ourselves off, learn from it, and continue moving forward toward our “Happily
Ever After”.
I believe in Prince Charmings? You bet I do. But Prince Charming
certainly isn’t perfect, and the girls that expect that he will be are in for a
rude awakening someday when they meet him. He is no more perfect than the
Princess herself is perfect. He will say stupid things at times, and he
will hurt your feelings at times, and he will fall down and have to get back up
while writing his own story – but the man who tries his best every day to be a
good person, who will say sorry when he is wrong, who forgives you when you are
wrong, who is genuinely committed to doing the right thing in his life and who
expects you to do the same – that is a true Prince Charming. And that is
a man to hold onto and appreciate.
I have to kiss a lot of frogs in my life before I found my own Prince
Charming….you bet-cha (although young ladies reading this I would like you to
note that they were indeed frogs who I wish I had never kissed, after all,
frogs are icky so who really wants to kiss them? so I fully recommend
waiting to kiss any frogs until AFTER they themselves have turned into a Prince
Charming all on their own and without needing your help at all…those are the
Princes you want! So no frog lips ladies!!!). But I am happy to say
that five years ago this New Years Eve I married my Prince Charming and he
makes me the luckiest girl in the world.
life is your fairy tale. You are the Prince or the Princess in your
story. You are royalty by birthright as a child of God, so remember
that! Your “Once Upon a Time” began the day you were born and each day
since then you have been writing your fairy tale. Think about what you
have written thus far and decide if your story is going in the direction you
want it to – if its not, then start a new chapter that takes you in the right
direction. You can’t change the past chapters of your story as they have
already been written, but the pages ahead are completely blank and you are
completely in control of the pen in your hand that will write that story.
Remember, all you have to do to guarantee your “Happily Ever After” is to try
your best to do the right things every single day. Be grateful for your
blessings. Be happy and kind. And when you find your Prince or
Princess…appreciate them!"
I am presently writing several stories. I wrote the story of my grandmother, then I want to write a story or novel that could potentially even be a movie. Its that good. I also want to write a story of both my mother and my father and lastly I want to write my story. These stories will touch on real experiences of a life well lived for our children to follow after. I also want to keep making scrapbooks even when they are no longer in fashion and make calendars until no one ever uses them. I heard Sydney say, " we got our stuck in a drawer," and Pablo "no I think it went in the trash" and that is fine, but for me looking at the pictures of the family my husband and I both love is a treasure and therefore I will keep writing this blogs and making those calendars even when no on cares.
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