Friday, June 12, 2015

El Salvador Trip, June 4th - 11th

There is nothing like taking a summer vacation in El Salvador, my favorite spot to visit in the entire world. Especially when that vacation includes your whole entire family from my mother’s side.  All 21 of us!   We had a great week of eating lots of pupusas, lying out in the sun for those who got to go to the beach house or Decameron, play games, attending church and the temple, watching fun movies, breaking a piƱata and of course, dance parties!  I think what makes El Salvador special is the fact that I know it so well. I was born there and if you manage to get away from all civilization which you could unplug if you wish, you have absolutely can unwind and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and the company of your friends and loved ones.

For people like me who are fully addicted to their computer or the phone, finding a vacation spot in El Salvador is a MUST!  Not that you don’t get access to internet is that it is very slooooow. I have decided that everyone needs to find a way to leave the computer and the phone behind when they go on vacations.  Some of you may be disciplined enough to simply turn them off, but for those who are truly addicted like I am, it takes finding a vacation spot where you are forced into electronic silence submission with no internet or cell access available.  I know the thought of that probably sends many of you into a cold sweat just thinking about it, and trust me when I tell you that I understand that anxiety completely, but you have to believe me when I tell you that yes, you will be going through major withdrawals for the first two or three hours, but then something truly magical happens…after those first few hours of cold sweats and constant looking down at your iphone for those little bars to appear just long enough to download a message you will suddenly hit this moment of “wait, there is nothing I can do about it if I find out there is a problem anyway, so what the heck…it is what it is” and then then it’s over – the anxiety stops, the cold sweats subside, and the next thing you know you have broken that addiction for the rest of the trip.  You can laugh and smile and enjoy yourself completely.  You can relax and unwind and be present.  It is MAGIC!

Every single one of us needs that time away. It allows us to clear our minds, to reset, and to actually pause long enough to sort out all the thoughts in our own heads.  Sometimes we go so fast and so furious that we are just going through the motions without even taking the time to think about where we are trying to head with our lives.  So taking that time away on a technology free vacation is the only way to really step back from the day to day madness and regroup as a person.  And there is no need to feel guilty about taking a vacation because you will come back a much better and more productive person when it’s over.  But make sure that when you schedule a vacation that it truly is a non-working, non-texting, non-emailing vacation where you can relax and enjoy your time and your family completely.  And if you can soak in a little sun while you do it then all the better!

“A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.”  -Robert Orben

My suggestion today is to plan your techno-free vacation like a cruise or something in some remote part of the world and make it happen!
This was a bitter sweet trip on many levels but I  hope to only remember those good times and not worry too much of what we weren't able to do. It was too short and felt that I needed more time to finish some important business there, knowing that after my sister moves to Tanzania, I will have no one there to visit.

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