Today we attended a dinner with Bishop Stevenson and Elder Porter and as we sat there having a wonderful conversation about what the Church does wordwide and how many lives are blessed because of our Church I could't help to think of their great responsibility they have to carry. I learned so many things and tools that are used to assist the poor and the aflilcted in all parts of the world.
If a Bishop of a ward feels that great responsibility for members of his ward, can you imagine the Bishop of the world? I realized today more than ever that a leader of our Church has a great responsibility to help mitigate every little thing that would impact 15 million people.
What I gathered in that meeting is that nothing gets done in the Church that hasn't been approved by a comeette and it is done unanimously. Amazing. Even Daniel's job was reviewed and sustained by the First Presidency. Their motto is communicate, communicate and then communicate.
That is why things in the Church take longer to process and it might seemed burocratic but it is the process that helps keep eveything uniform. People who work for the Church experience an atmosphere where co-workers are honest, open, direct and most of all real. Desitions are made in counsels where people collaborate with one another as a team.
I like Bishop Stevenson's way and style of doing business. You can feel how he cares about every individual as a person.
This night, having dinner with the Bishop of our Church was Priceless!
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