Thursday, June 25, 2015

National clean up day to get rid of things

The count down has began as we get ready for our move and with that comes a lot of getting rid of things and cleaning. Every now and then people should move just to get rid of things and every spring or fall there should be a national day of cleaning day. The Clean Up Day Holiday to stay home to just clean the house! This day is a day where you literally spend an entire day cleaning up all the things that have been piling up for far too long and that have managed to make your space fell like total chaos.

My room was like that because somehow everything ended up there and that is one thing I have changed now that is just the two of us. I remember a blogger wrote: "To begin your clean up day it's usually best to start with a Clean-Up-Serenity Prayer where you state: "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the messy state my house (or office) is in, the courage to start cleaning, and the wisdom to not let get this way again."

Because you will need a lot of courage to sit down amongst the piles of stuff and have to sort through what it actually is because there is always the fear of finding something important that has been buried amongst the mess and you didn't handle when it should have been and now you'll be forced to fix. There is some truth to the fact that ignorance is bliss...until it bites you in the behind muster up that courage and start going through the piles. Now you know it has been a clean up day when it get's to be 7:00 pm and you are still wearing your pajamas from this morning and you haven't spent one minute fixing your hair or face because you woke up out of bed and got right to work doing the piles of laundry that have piles up, opening the huge pile of mail that have been growing, and emptying your suitcases from all the trips you have taken. You go through all the mess on your bedroom floor that has been causing you to literally tunnel your way to your bed each night..." In my case inside the closets and all those drawers where I have been keeping the odds and ends or as I have called "cosas varias" where you find just about everything, form a toothbrush or comb to a pen or ruler to candy and chocolates. That messy drawer in the kitchen and in every other room has to be emptied out before we move.

It has been a busy day but like they say at the end of the day... I love, love clean up day because the clean surrounding after it's done feels amazing!!

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