Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Philipino ward

"As soon as you die, your identity becomes a "body." People use phrases like: "bring the body,"  Lower the body in the grave," Take the body to the graveyard," etc. People don't even call you by your name anymore whom you tried to impress your whole a life to impress the Creator not the Creation. Take chances... tell the truth.. learn to say No at things you know are not good for you...spend money on things you love...laugh till your stomach like no one is watching and no one is, they are busy looking at their phones. LOL and sing even if you are bad at it...pose silly for photos... be child like!

Moral: Death is not the greatest loss in life...Loss is when life dies inside you while you are alive...Celebrate this event call LIFE." Anonymous

And let me tell you, Philippinos know how to celebrate LIFE! Today we decided to go to a Philipino ward to get a feel for what wards are like here. People here are so warm and always smiling. Even when tragedy strikes they keep smiling. We had a fellow give us a presentation of what to expect from the Philippino culture and that was one of the things he mentioned. At the Sunday school hour and in the Relief Society they were speaking mostly in Talaog their native language and just laughing and joking and having a good time. I din't understand a single word but I started to laugh too because it's so contagious!

Seriously, it's true. We need to take more chances and laugh more and dance... always dance... here they sing Kareoke. They love Kareoke, no party is ever planned without some Kareoke singing time, of course. I also have learned they love Zumba too so I am going to love this place.

What I learned so far from watching the people here that we need to live our lives as if we really mean it and appreciate each moment. We can't keep sitting around waiting for the life we are "going to have someday." We have to stop waiting for things to be as we want them to be and start celebrating what hey are right now in this very moment.

What did I leaned  from attending Church today? Have fun and don't take yourself too serious and start celebrating LIFE!


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