Thursday, August 27, 2015

Weeds to Wishes

This is a little late but the idea can be done any time as long as it has a start date. I am starting my daily days of living to love the first of September to October 31 I will do 60 days to honor my sisters birthday months of September and October.

Introducing Cristi's and Bianca's blog.

30 Days of Living to Love

Start date: 03 August, 2015
Duration: 4 weeks
Total Points: 425
Troop: Weeds to Wishes
In honor of Bianca turning the big 3-0 this month, we are doing a challenge called, "30 days of Living to Love.” Every day you find at least one small thing to do for someone one else. It could be as simple as writing a letter to a friend.


Having to actually seek out someone to share love with can at times be challenging but can have such an impact on our day and our focus. We believe that one gains so much through giving and it can create a happier and more peaceful life.




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