" A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talk to each other instead or about each other."
I have been thinking about this quote lately since my husband heard me venting about a situation I felt it was unfair so he pointed out to me that it is not healthy to say negative things about anyone even when they are true. Talking negatively about others is an easy trap to fall into. It typically starts innocent enough with a simple content about something as trivial as the color of hair someone has but then over time making negative comments about others becomes a habit and before you know it you find yourself constantly talking negatively about others without even realizing it.
The sad part about that is the fact that talking negatively about others really reflects more about your character than it does the person you are saying negative things about. And while you might think you are getting a laugh at other people's expense, deep down those listening are making mental note bout the mean-spieirted person you are and making sure they remember not to trust you in the future, because someone who talks bad about others will eventually talk bad about you too. they just can't help themselves because talking negative has be come a par of who they are... unless and util they choose to break the habit and stop the negativity.
All of us need to do better to always look for the good in others and try only saying nice things about people rather than talking about their negative qualities. Eery one of us has a positive qualities and every one of us has a few negative qualities we need to improve... that's just a given, but we can certainly make an effort tot focus our words on speaking more o the positive things we see in people. Just think how much nicer the world would be if we all made more of an effort to do that.
Con amor,
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