Monday, February 8, 2016

Peaceful Parent

Hello Family:

Happy Chinese New Year!! Here in the Philippines today is a holiday because of the Chinese New Year. It turned out great because we got to watch the Super Bowl since it aired in the morning for us. Too bad we were late going to bed last night so it was hard to get up early this morning to watch the game. We do miss not being able to watch the commercials though. Here in the Philippines as well as when we lived in the DR they were never broadcasted L

Today for some reason I wanted the underdog team to win but they didn’t and so much was against them I got a little irritated, in a bad mood and don’t understand but I felt “hormonal” and you don’t want to be around me when I feel like that. However,  the good thing,  is that it only lasts a few minutes. I think this is one of my character flaws I want to improve so I decided to read a book Cristi has recommended: Peaceful Parent, Happy kids and see if I can apply some of those techniques in my life.

Actually this is what Cristi wrote on her blog:

“A few weeks after having baby boy #3, I was feeling sleepy, hormonal, overwhelmed, and just plain grouchy. Unfortunately, I was taking it out on my two older kids. I found my fuse to be short and my voice to be loud and snappy…ugh it was no wonder all four of us would end up in tears before the afternoon even came. Needless to say, it was not my proudest parenting moment. 
I had been praying for some peace in myself and in my home when one night I was up feeding and listening to a mom conference on the Power of Moms when I heard Dr. Laura Markham from Aha Parenting being interviewed. The title of one of her books: Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting resonated with me! Yes that’s exactly what I want…PEACE…and HAPPINESS…here at home! So, that night I picked up the book (or actually downloaded it from audible) and have loved it…And let me tell you…I’m SUPER picky when it comes to parenting books. I only have a handful that I completely love in its entirety. Yay for a book about connecting and not just how to correct you child. And she starts with newborn and on so it can be for everyone! 
I knew my kids were not acting out because they were trying to misbehave but because they too were feeling emotional due to the changes. Their world that they knew changed overnight. They needed to reconnect with this sleep-deprived-baby feeding-zombie mama that they looked to for support and I needed to be reminded of that.
So, in celebration of my oldest son’s birthday next month (he’s is going to be SIX!!) and because it’s the month of Love- We are going to try having a little virtual book club where we break this book up into 6 weeks with posts and discussions on the book. 
We will start Monday February 15th to give you plenty of time to grab the book and read the first 30 or so pages! Then we can discuss throughout reading the book! Who is in? Okay, it may just be my sister and my mom (I can always count on my them!) But I would also love talk to some other mamas who feel like I do and share ideas and insights with one another! 
So if you want to join and read (maybe even just the comments) you can make it official by joining our Virtual Book Club on Facebook right here. I have never really done this before so it will be new and exciting!! I’m going to give a lucky book club member a copy of the book for free for getting in there early and joining… So- I’ll announce that next week! 
The outline would look something like this:
Week one: REGULATING YOURSELF (pages 1-35)
Week two: FOSTERING CONNECTION (pages 38-86)
Week three: COACHING, NOT CONTROLLING (pages 87-145)
Week four: RAISING A CHILD WHO WANTS TO BEHAVE (pages 147-199)
So go check this gem out!

Shop now
We will also have a weekly post on the blog on the over all insights so feel free to comment there if you don’t have a Facebook account! ”

OK so that is the book I will be reading for the next few weeks and I also invite you to do the same.

Con amor,

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