Today I went visiting teaching with Jeana and Caroline but this time we decided to walk over to the Eastwood mall. We had lunch, went shopping, got a massage and then went for ice-cream. We discussed the lesson for this month which was on the topic of marriage. It was interesting that all three of us had experienced divorce in one form or another. I experienced it first hand and They both came from parents who had divorced so what is the key? what is the secret? Is there a formula to have a successful marriage? In my opinion is a choice we make.
What I discover today is that I like doing things with other people. I don't enjoy eating out or going to places by myself. It was lonely when I became a single mom so it became important to have friends to do things with. I love having friends I can do things with. Here in Manila, I still need to find those friends and today was a start. Too bad, Jeana is moving away in June. I found out there are so many things I could do with Daniel every evening when he comes home from work rather than just watch TV so today as soon as he gets home I am going to take him for a nice walk in Manila.
The visiting teaching message was Marriage is ordained of God!
Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan. Bonnie Oscarson said: " If is the Lord's plan it should also be our plan" " Some of you are denied the blessing of marriage for various reasons including a lack of viable prospects, same sex attraction, Physical or mental impairment...even so everyone can contribute..." (Elder Christopherson)
I gave them a jar with candy and with the message and a note by Elder Bednar: " The Lord Jesus Christ is the focal point in a covenant marriage relationship... (Imagine that) the Savior is positioned at eh apex of a triangle with a woman at the base or one corner and a man at the base of the other corner. Now consider what happens in the relationship between the man and the woman as they individually and steadily come unto Christ and strive to be perfected in Him (Moroni 10: 32) Because of and through the Redeemer, he man and the woman come closer together." So I wonder, is that the secret? Is having Christ at the center of our marriage the key to a successful marriage?
Con amor,
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