Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The day has come

Today is Tuesday November 8, 2016 and like every Tuesday I attend the devotional at the office. Today is also an important day for people in Manila because the temple opens today after it has been closed for the past three months. On Nov. 8th, three years ago, a huge Typhoon (Yolanda) hit the Philippines in Tacloban. The people there are still recovering and the Church is doing so much to help the people there. Hoping the poor and the needy is what the mission of the Presiden Bishopric is and Daniel is involved very much in this cause.

Today is also election day in The United States. Tomorrow morning we will know who won. Four years ago I was rooting for Mitt Romney. I especially like his wife, Ann Romney as our first lady.   She was at Deseret Book last year signing her books. She has several that I have enjoyed reading. I also bought several cookbooks to give away to my sisters and daughters but I am not sure who I have given a book and who I have not. that's what happens when you have ten girls plus three sisters.

One good book I rememberer reading is her book "We are in this Together" was of her life and disease with M.S. Ann shared in her  book stories of her ups and downs of what they went through together during the last election. She had no idea it was going to be that malicious and hard. Why would anyone want to be subject of constant ridicule and lies said about you. Running for office is such brutal these days that you put yourself under a microscope with constant attacks on their life and their families. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for her.

In retrospect, for someone like her, becoming the first lady and dealing with constant criticism probably would have killed her. So is a good thing she is live and well.

Con amor,

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