Today was the broadcast. A real TV set type of broadcast to all the people in the Philippines directly from our area office. How wonderful to have been there to witness this first for us! I never knew that you could turn anyplace that has good internet into TV studio. The women of the choir from our office were invited to sing and they sounded stunning!
The sister's delivered their messages and afterwards there was a question and answer portion of the broadcast. This was live and wasn't recorded but I took notes of this historic event. The questions varied from:
How did you came about choosing James 1: 5,6 as the theme for this year?
Sister Oscarson answered with a lot of fasting and prayer because we need to teach our children and youth how to receive personal revelation. It starts with a prayer.
What can we do with children who want to come to Church but the parents are not interested? Keep inviting the parents and have them in your prayers that they will soften their hearts. Find good role models for those children to have as mentors. Children are subject to the parents so have the parents participate in the activities. Many parents have become members because of their children.
How do we teach our children about sex and gender? It's found in the strength of youth pamphlet and the proclamation of the Family. They need to know the truth of their divine nature. Teach them the divine role of becoming parents someday. What would our Heavenly Parents would have been like?
What Activities do you recommend for our children and our youth? Go to the activity website on and many other websites catering to wholesome activities for our youth but the best activities are the ones they plan themselves.
How do we bring less active youth members to the fold? Have the class presidency extend an invitation. Plan activities that would involved them. Let them be the spotlight. Treat them well with kindness.
What should you do if you are not sure about going on a mission? For boys it's part of a priesthood ordinance as you become an Elder. For a girl is what's in your heart. Only ask this question? Would I ever regret going on a mission? Is there a better mission for me? It is an individual decision for girls and you don't need to stress over it because you are tuning 19. You can make this decision when you are 20-25 as well as when you are 19, for girls is optional. You need to go for the right reason. Read your patriarchal blessing. The sisters make a great contribution to the mission. Once you make that commitment stick to it. You need to fulfill it and know it will be the hardest thing you have ever done but so worth it! " If you know it's going to be hard, it won't be that hard when it's hard! Don't vacillate after you have entered the mission. Go to the gospel library app on adjusting to missionary life.
What do you do if you don't think you are ready for marriage? Marriage is on the job training and you are never fully ready no matter how old you are. Just be careful of having the best choice for you because who you marry it's what your life will turned out to be. Take a leap of Faith. you do it because it feels right and it will help you to grow.
How do you know if a promoting comes from the Holy Spirit of your own imagination? Lear to know how the sprit communicates with you. It's like learning a second language. If it's something good, it comes from God.
How can we help our children not be so addictive to devises and gadgets? Let's teach our children to use them for goodness. Use them to follow up on lessons. Use them to do Family History. They can be a good missionary tool. Many times that is the only way, the youth will answer you. Texting works! They are here to stay. It's up to the parents. Be an example to your children. Talk to them! Take a break from them. Make room for meaningful conversation.
How do you approach the topic of modesty? Modesty comes from knowing who you are! Teach them about Divine Nature. Use the Strength of the Youth. They need to feel accepted. It's not about inches or how high a skirt should be. They need to figure out that themselves but be an example! After some time, they will understand and get but in the meantime see them the same way God does.
What to do with a sister who suffers from depression? Get help! There are issues that require a professional. Counseling is necessary for some of us. Provide support and resources. It's not something that can be done by oneself. It need to be viewed like any medical illness such as diabetes. The stigma of having this condition sometimes is what prevents people to get the help they need.
What advice can you give our youth managing time and achieving goals? Study the scriptures daily. Pray for guidance. Keep the Sabbath day Holy including avoiding even doing homework on Sunday. Always attend sacrament meeting. Write in your journals when you have seen the hand of the Lord in your life and do the necessary things first. Prioritized. Think if all the things you are doing are absolutely necessary. Parents need to set the example and be good mentors. Achieve your goals in terms of obtaining an education. Be grateful for being alive at this most wonderful time.
Closing remarks: " The gospel in my life is the most important thing in my life." Bonnie Oscarson
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