We have the visit of two very special women for the next ten days.
Sister Oscarson who is the young women General President and sister Bingham who
is the First Counselor in the Primary. Today is Tuesday and like every Tuesday we hold a devotional for the area office, and later on we went shopping to Greehills, had lunch and went to meet with a group of sisters with a question and answer type of forum.
From my notes:
Some of the questions were related to discipline, receiving personal
revelation, depression, career paths, etc. One advice I wrote down was " Never
bring a problem to your superior without having a solution. “
Another one was: Remember that we are on the Lord's side.
When you have to make a decision, study it in your mind and in your heart. Go
in prayer and wait for inspiration. You need to figure out how you receive
revelation because it's not the same for everyone. Some have a peaceful feeling
while others feel a warm feeling in their heart.
“Listen and learn primary songs. They teach simple basics. The
gospel is not sophisticated.” Sister Bingham.
Sister Oscarson asked: What would have been like to live in
heaven with our Heavenly Parents? Let's think of how that must have been and
try to emulate their example. There is an element of refinement when we think
of ourselves as children of God.
Divine nature. What are some ways we can increase our
#1 is in our homes. Let's make our homes a true refuge from the
#2 is keeping the Sabbath. Let's take the sacrament each Sunday
and understand the principle of repentance. The only ordinance we get to do
over and over again.
#3 The temple. The only place where we get refinement and where
the spirt teaches us those things we need to know. Come to the temple to get
Their husbands also spoke before them. It was so neat to get to know this sisters a little better and to have been helpful when buying pearls. I got a discount for them each time!
Con amor,
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