Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Women of Power

Today we had an amazing meeting with women form all over the world. Wonderful ladies trying to come up with solutions for a better world. All had many things in common: They were women of science, each one had obtained their highest degree in their field, (Doctorate degree) and one was a judge.

One women said that they were all marching to improve the lives of their children and grandchildren. They are concern with profanity and vulgarity becoming more and more prevalent and acceptable. They enjoy motherhood and can’t imagine wanting to terminate a life growing inside of them. “The sweetest face a child will ever know is the face of his/her mother.”

“Men and women are different by design. We need to celebrate our differences, we love being a woman and are not interested in becoming like a man because we don’t want to compete with men but rather to complement men.”

 “The work in a home is also a profession” They feel they bring to any setting qualities superior than those of men. “Unique attributes of women that can humanize the world” They spoke about Mary, the mother of Jesus and how we should aspire to be like her. “Let’s have Mary be our model” Women are the light of the home. We believe…Articles of Faith #13.

“Teach women the value of motherhood” On March 17th 1842 a new movement of women began know today as the Relief Society: The largest organization in the world. Our motto: “Charity never faileth.”

I felt honored to belong to this elect group of women from all walks of life and religious backgrounds. This has nothing to do with politics but rather virtue. “All over the world young women are living lives of virtue and purity. It shows in your eyes and radiates in the light that shines forth from your countenance. Never has there been a time in the history of the world when virtue is more needed… the path of virtue lead to happiness in this life and I the life to come. “Elaine Dalton

Con amor,


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