Friday, February 16, 2018

A two year old journal entry

Today Tuesday February 16th 2016, we had the devotional at the office with Elder Nelson. It was an amazing meeting. Daniel conducted the meeting presided by Elder Nelson.  The area office choir sung " I Feel My Savior's Love." and call to Serve. It was so beautiful!

There were 4 speakers: Elder Haynie who told a story of a squirrel who gets attacked and killed by a wild animal. He said just like the evil creeping up on the good. The role of an Apostle is to warn us!

Elder Bowen: Spoke of the time he went to BYU and how he signed an honor code to attend there. The same way the employees who work for the Church are required to sign an honor code as well by keeping a temple recommend. Like the time he went to BYU we are bound to live those standards. There are other schools kids can attend that don't require an honor code but he wanted to attend BYU. Once we commit ourselves do that we are bound to live that standard. Have the character and integrity to keep the vows we make today.

Elder Arderm: From Article of Faith be believe in the same organization that had existed from the beginning Christ called 12 Apostles to follow him and he would make fishermen of men. Today we have a Peter among us. The apostasy came about. We had the restoration of the priesthood. And later men were ordained to the quorum of the Twelve Apostle as the highest office of the Melchisedec priesthood as special witnesses of Christ. They are called traveling high counsels. Elder Nelson has traveled many thousands of miles to be here today so give heed to the words of our Apostle. D & C " If my people listen to an Apostle, they will not be moved. Elder Nelson is Peter. If we heed to his words, we will not be moved.

Elder Nelson: His talk was about tithing. "Years ago, I was given an assignment to take care of Europe when some of those countries were communists where the Church had not been established there. I also was asked to go to Argentina when it was broke to teach to a cashless society the law of tithing. We didn't give them bread but taught them how to make bread. The crisis lasted for a few years but soon they were blessed. Then I got the assignment in Africa. People there were dressed in white but without shoes. I was not there when the declaration was made about all worthy males could hold the priesthood but I know President Monson was there as a witness. You help those in need. Africa has had poverty one generation after another until  tithing came along. We had people paying their tithing in Africa and then they prosper. In the Philippines is the same thing. Just remember that the purpose in the Philippines is to blessed their lives."

At the very end, he closed the meeting by saying: I want to tell you about Daniel Almeida...I love this man...everywhere I go, he is there...he is the times I might even see him in our ward,,," And that is how he ended his talk. I felt very touched and very emotional when he spoke so fondly of Daniel. He considers Daniel a friend. Isn't that wonderful that The President of the quorum of twelve Apostles took the time to acknowledge my husband. So this is one of those days I will always remember! 

Fast forward to two years later. He is now our Prophet. What a wonder to know him up close and personal the way Daniel knows him and what I blessing it is to know he is the man God has been preparing to lead his Church now. 

Con amor,

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