Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days!" Psalm 90:14

A lifelong marriage is built day by day. It is made of days that seem momentos and days that seem mundane. Yet each one is important., every one indispensable. As you and your spouse live out each day to its fullest potential, sharing its joys and challenges, your days steadily join together like the masonry in a sturdy brick home, forming a relationship that is solid and secure. Such a relationship, built on the sure foundation of faith in God and commitment to each other no matter what the days may bring, will stand forever. 

Take the days one at a time, but don't take them-- or each other for granted. Make the most of each twenty-four hours. Don't allow the past to become an anchor;m rather forgive each other for yesterday's offenses. And don't let worry about the future rob even one day of its joy; instead, put tomorrow in God's hands. When times get tough, continue minute by minute, and trust the Lord to see you through. Before you know it, you and your beloved will be celebrating your golden anniversary-- and wondering where the time went! 

Con amor,

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