Looking for fun dates ideas? here a some:
Valentines Day almost upon us I decided to search for creative Group Date Ideas that would help spurn my creativity as I attempt to plan a fun Valentine weekend. I came across multiple websites such as www.niftydateideas.com and several others that had great date ideas. I pulled my favorites from several of the sites to share in today’s blog.
Hopefully these will help you to figure out your own exciting weekend Valentine’s plans…heaven knows I need the creative help from others to figure something out!
- Survivor date- double date, select several activities such as a game, puzzles, eating contest etc… and have competition with the other couple to see who is better. You can also play it so that the loser buys desserts. Makes it more interesting.
- Make a list of outrageous things on a Bingo card like mullets, scrunchies, spandex pants and hiking boots, etc and walk around Wal-Mart trying to find people sporting the items on your bingo cards. Loser has to buy the winner Hot Pockets for dinner
- Make a movie together—find odd props around the house, then come up with a funny scenario to act out.
- Put on funny accents and go around town asking for directions to places that don’t exist
- Buy flowers and give them to random people on the street who look like they need a “pick-me-up”
- Marshmallow fight
- Go out with some clip boards and do a survey in a public place. Use funny questions about how many times people brush their teeth and what they had for dinner.
- Go chat with random people and see how long people will talk with you in public place.
- For a Creative group date – Go on a scavenger hunt in your neighborhood to find all the ingredients you need to make cookies. When the cookies are made, take them to a mutual friend or maybe a grandparent.
- Go on a “Video Scavenger Hunt” – Directions: Each team has a video camera and a list of scenarios to get footage of — Here are a few possible ideas: Interview a complete stranger about something random, find a random stranger and greet them like an old friend, pretend to know them from somewhere. As you can tell, this can be a ton of fun, especially when you go back and watch your footage.
- Go to random spots in your hometown and take pictures – Be creative and this date can be a lot of fun.
- Make homemade ice cream together
- Make Cupcakes together – Decorate them with icing, sprinkles, or anything
- Get a role of quarters and have a contest to see who can get the best and most creative item from the 25cent machines (maybe in a shopping mall)
- Go to the thrift store with 5 dollars; have a contest to see who can get the best item Or–buy clothing for your date – wear the clothing on the date
- Blind-Fold Miniature Golf—miniature golf is fun, but it can be even more fun when you add some variations; play a round with blindfolds, then try playing three legged miniature golf (tie your dates left leg to your right leg)
- Visit garage sales—Travel around your neighborhood on a Saturday morning and visit the garage sales.
- Make-Your-Own Pizza
- Play the game “Bigger or Better – Directions: Each couple starts with something small—go door to door in your neighborhood asking people to triad you for something bigger or better than the item. At the end of a specified amount of time, gather together as a group and vote on who got the biggest and best item.
- Go ice blocking—slide down big hills on a large block of ice. Bring towels to lay on the ice (to sit on).
- Have a progressive meal – Directions: Select different restaurants around town and go to each one. Order drinks at one, appetizers at another, go somewhere new for the main course, and top it off with your favorite desert in town.
- Read a book together—Choose your favorite childhood story and read aloud
- Put on a play – choose a popular story from literature, or a movie
- Write a song together
- Make your own drive in movie! Borrow or rent a projector and watch a movie in your backyard
- Wii Olympics — get a group together and have a competition using Wii Sports
- Have a Fondue party – Get a good Fondue recipe (they are all over online) and have a I I
- Fondue dinner, or Fondue desserts.
- Make life lists together—all the things you want to do before you die – Be creative and help your date come up with some fun things.
- Reverse Trick-or-Treating – Directions: Dress up in your Halloween costume (any time of year) and walk around town with your date knocking on doors. Instead of asking for trick-or-treats, bring treats of your own to hand out.
- Play live Clue—This one requires some creativity – Directions: Hand out clues to each individual in the group (location, weapon, killer etc..) ask each other questions to determine the killer. This can be a lot of fun but requires some creativity and preparation.
- Go to ChuckeCheese or McDonalds for dinner. Do activities that would be a kid’s dream to do. Arcades and Disney movies rock.
- Frisbee in the dark with glow sticks and a light up Frisbee
- Pick a culture of the world and imitate with food, activities, and clothes to match.
- Make your date decide – Directions: make it mysterious for your date–take your ideas to them throughout the week, tell them to just answer the random questions you ask them. For example: red or white (color of flower you bring) fast or slow (fast food or sit down restaurant) hot or cold (Ice Cream or hot cocoa) – Anything will work. You ask them during the week then during the date reveal to them what they decided. It’s quirky and cute but fun.
- Play hide-and-seek with multiple couples in Wal-Mart! You and your date are a team against the other couples!
- Go to a store, Ikea works great, and in all the room settings, make up a scenario and act them out. For example, in one room that has a TV, pretend you’re watching a scary movie.
- How I wish I was back in College again when we played these games so no matter what date idea you decide to do this Valentines make sure you plan ahead.
- Con amor,
- Vero
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