I wish I had met abuelo Hermes but I feel like I do from all the many wonderful stories family members and friends have shared. Those are stories of love, sacrifice, character, compassion and his unwavering faith. He exemplified "being honest, true, loyal, chase, benevolent, virtuous, obedient and in doing good to all men." He was for real so wonderful. The photo was taken in 1955.
He had a tremendous influence on people who knew him as their Patriarch and received a blessing from him. Hermes was known throughout his life as an honest man who kept his word and had integrity. His handshake was enough. If there is a value he taught his children and grandchildren was that success will come and go but integrity will stay forever.
He showed by his actions and the life he lived that integrity means doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances, whether or not anyone is watching. Hermes always had the courage to do the right thing. Hermes was a man people trusted completely!
I am grateful for the legacy abuelo Hermes left behind to his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and beyond to follow after. I am grateful for the knowledge of Heavenly Father's plan of happiness that teaches us that families do exist forever and one day I will get to meet him and our time together as a family will never end.
Dear Hermes, You are eternally loved and cherished.
Con amor,
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