Tuesday, January 8, 2019

when people asks "what do you do all day?"

28 ideas of good, productive or fun things to do!

1.     Start my day with a prayer. 
2.     Take my Thyroid medicine, vitamins and fix a healthy breakfast
3.    Exercise 1 hour or more.
4.     Write in my blogs and journals.
5.    Cook healthy lunches and dinners and clean up.
6.    Practice Piano for half hour.
7.    Read the Scriptures each day or night before going to bed.


8.    Attend the temple each week.
9.     Write the Monday weekly letter to the family.
10.   Go on a date. 
11.  Write and re-write the novel until it’s finished. 


12.  Eat all the food in our Freezer
13.  Throw a dinner party.
14.  Get in touch with an old friend.
15.  Call on each birthday and send BD cards. 
16.  Watch four opportunities to do ministering.
17.  Organize a room in our house. 
18.  Manage each of our 5 rental properties.
19.  De junk each drawer and closet in each room.

20.  Do Tax documentation 
21.  Make a movie with music of us
22.  Organize all photos and make scrapbooks.
23.   Make an inventory to use up food before it expires. 
24.  Plan Summer vacation trip
25.  Update all the passwords
26.  Make ABC Books for the Grandkids (Gabriel, Michael and Walter) 

Some day 
27.  Retire and go on missions 
28.  Run a marathon

 Con amor,

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