Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Training preparation

Today in preparation for our training in two days, I thought of the "rules for being amazing" handout I got from a seminar years ago but I need to focus on something specific and I hope I can use one of them as my theme. This is what someone wrote: 

The Rules for being amazing!

Risk more than is required most times.
Learn to be strong.
Show courage.
Change course if you need to. 
Speak the truth.
Live your dream.
Aid for genius.
Deliver more that is expected.
Have passion.
Inspire others.
Dream big.
Start today.
Act now.
Don’t stop. 

My favorites are:  show courage, love, speak the truth, deliver more than expected, have passion, start today and don't stop. I can think of so many examples where Daniel has been a great example using those rules but I need to just pick one theme and still can't put my finger on it. i will be thinking about this when I attend the temple today. 

Con amor, 

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