One day Daniel was asked what was his passion and he said: "It's Veronica." and I couldn't believe he said that! But aside from me, HIs other passion is his work. This is Daniel.
*Daniel cares about each of his employees. He wants to see everyone succeed to the point that they are better today than what they were yesterday rather than pulling each other down to climb one another. He values people who help one another to succeed without worry for who gets credit for it.
*Daniel strives to have good communication with all his employees so that every single person is on the loop on who they are and what are they trying to accomplish.
*Daniel knows where he stands and does not like to beat around the bush and prefers simplicity not complexity. He likes to get good results in an efficient manner.
*Daniel likes everyone working for the Church to be treated with respect despite tittle or position. He values each person the same regardless of rank or title because everyone matters to him as equals who bring good ideas to the team.
*Daniel values integrity above all. Daniel likes having a culture of people who uphold their integrity at all costs.
*Daniel is committed to his job and expects the same from the people that works with him. It takes an amazing skill to hiring the right people for the job and by the same token firing the wrong people when he has to because he needs people around him he can trust.
*Daniel seeks guidance from the Lord each morning as he starts his day with a prayer in his quiet office which allows him to be open to ideas and to be at peace as he considers different options and then he trusts what answers come to him.
*Daniel believes in the power of setting goals. He has had a goal format done in every area of his work ever since Bishop Bateman taught him how to do it in 1995. He now refers to it as a way to measure how well he is accomplishing what he is set to do. Literally everything he has planned to do as a goal over the years has come to pass, and so he just keeps adding bigger and better things on his goal chart because he has seen how well it works.
Con amor,
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