Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year!

Today is the last day of a year that was so good to us. 2019 was amazing! Some of the highlights included gathering the family in July at Bear Lake, welcoming two grandbabies, moving to a new City and celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary to name a few.

2019 was special but we believe 2020 is going to be even better because I believe like Robert Browning once said: “the best is yet to Be” I am convinced that 2020 is going to be the most Epic year EVER!  For all of us! 

I love new beginnings. We get to open a new book full of blank pages and we are taking the pen in our hand and preparing to write Chapter 1, Page 1 of our 2020 story, so ask yourself, “What will my story say?”  The choice is up to each of us.  We each get to decide.  We can write a comedy, a drama, a mystery, a fairy tale, or just about anything but a tragedy. We don’t like sad endings. I like the idea of writing a fairy tale this coming year…fairly- tales are the best! Decide today that 2020 is going to be YOUR YEAR.  

Tonight we had Kathy and Aaron Jackman and Lisa and Scott Peterson over for dinner to wait for the New Year. Gabriel cook the asado. Sadly, Vale had to go back to Utah so we missed her. We had food for an army and all so delicious. We ended with the traditional eating the 12 grapes and watching the fireworks from the 20th floor of our building. 

A friend shared with me the following:

“In 2020 you will stop seeing barriers within your circumstances and start creating your own opportunities. 

 In 2020 you will take action!  You will put fear and doubt aside and embrace that all things are possible.  

 In 2020 you will remember that taking one actual step forward is better than thinking a million thoughts, so start stepping! 

 In 2020 you will stop making excuses and start moving forward toward your biggest dreams you have ever dreamed. Because 2020 is a year of MAGIC.”

 2020 is YOUR YEAR.  2020 is going to be EPIC!!!!   


Have a great day tomorrow everyone!  Happy New Year!!!

And here is the perfect description of what 2020 will be:

“Hope This New Year is Life- changing, world-shaping, wonderful, powerful, awe-inspiring, incredible, fantastic, magnificent, extraordinary, blessed, thrilling, jubilant, delicious, unbelievable, astonishing, mind-blowing, spectacular, and ridiculously happy!”

Con amor,

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