The White Stocking
“Twas the night before Christmas as I through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The presents had been wrapped and placed under the tree,
I paused, tired, excited, and then giggled with glee.
The stockings were hanging and were beautifully filled,
No one had been forgotten, it was such a thrill.
As I looked at the scene with the stocking on the ledge
I noticed one empty, the one on the edge.
Where’s the Spirit of Christmas, What have I done?
The children’s stockings are full, except for this one.
It was the stocking intended for the child of Bethlehem.
The white stocking for Jesus that was hung up by them.
Of all the people at Christmas, that might be forgotten
How could I not remember the Fathers Only Begotten?
Only He had been left out of the festivities,
As we planned and prepared all. For our families.
As I pondered, I realized this just was not right!
It was His birth that was being celebrated, after this night.
I resolved then and there to remember The Lord,
And quickly made changes that were easy to afford.
I hung the white stocking in a special place in our home,
And corrected the atmosphere to provide a more spiritual tone.
On Christmas morning I fathered the family together,
And each of us wrote on a special piece of paper.
We gave Jesus a gift which we placed in the stocking.
A sincere change of heart, not there for the mocking.
The white stocking hung in our home as a symbol for us,
Of the true meaning of Christmas, the Savior, The Lord Jesuschrist.
So place your white stocking and hang it with pride,
Remember the Savior, put his gift inside.
Favorite story #10
Con amor,
Favorite story #10
Con amor,
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