As we were driving back from Uruguay to Argentina I went to the very back of the car to rest a little. I had been the copilot for nine hours when we left on Christmas day after only sleeping for three hours and that was hard, especially when we were so tired from staying up late the night before and getting a late start and of course getting pulled over for speeding which delayed us even more. Moral to the story, Never drive a long way on a day when you have hardly slept the night before. Lesson learned!
But this time I had a chance to think about my goals for the new year. A decade is about to end and a new on will start. Is there something that for decades you have wanted to do but never got to? It’s probably something you didn’t care about it too much in the first place. What is keeping you from reaching your dream? It's 2:00 a.m on December 30th and we have just pulled into our building but question is what has been on my mind as we drove home.
But this time I had a chance to think about my goals for the new year. A decade is about to end and a new on will start. Is there something that for decades you have wanted to do but never got to? It’s probably something you didn’t care about it too much in the first place. What is keeping you from reaching your dream? It's 2:00 a.m on December 30th and we have just pulled into our building but question is what has been on my mind as we drove home.
Years ago, I heard this words: “When you are sick in bed I don’t want you to date the guy that calls you up and says how sorry he is you are sick and how much he hopes you feel better soon – I want you to date the guy that finds out you are sick and immediately shows up at your door with chicken soup and then who sits by your side giving you support until you feel better again.” She advised me that people’s words can paint this lovely picture of everything you want to hear, but it is all a farce because only actions reflect truth. She was right and her lesson is something I realized applied to all areas of our life, not just dating relationships.
Another friend commented this thought: “Most important, if you want to know the truth about what you really want in life then observe your own actions! That is a powerful way to figure out where you’re really headed. If you find that you are just talking about what you want but doing nothing to work for it then perhaps you really don’t want it after all. And if you do truly want it, then get off your behind and get to work – Work crazy hard with all the energy and passion you can muster – work hard every single day – it won’t come easy, it will take tremendous work – but that is okay because we are always willing to work for the things we truly want in life.
Today I was reflecting on the things that has kept me from achieving my dreams. So get out there, decide what you truly want in 2020 then go and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Con amor,
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