Monday, January 13, 2020

7 -UP lifting ways to start your week

Amy Anderson shared this on her blog years ago and I think is worth noting. She has it on her desk at work as a reminder. I have changed the order and how she had it written but the idea is the same.

1. Wake UP – and Decide to have a good day.
2. Look UP  – To the Lord. He is only a prayer away.
3. Dress UP – The best way to dress Up is to put on a simile!
4. Stand UP – For what you believe in.
5. Cheer UP --Say nice things and have positive attitude.
6. Reach UP – for something higher. Set some good goals.
7. Lift UP – be a good friend and help those around you

It’s a great way to start any week off feeling UP-lifted!
Have a great Monday!

Con amor,

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