Friday, January 3, 2020

Starting my sixth decade!

Just when you think all the Holidays are over from Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Years. You are exhausted and you think that's the end of it but there on January 3rd comes my birthday and the party continues all month long! 

To celebrate 6 decades of life I am posting 6 rules to live by. 

6 Rules for a bright beginning 

1 Make peace with your past 
so it won’t disturb your future. 

2. What other people think 
is none of your business

3. The only person in Charge
of your happiness is you

4. Don’t compare your life to
others, comparison is the thief of joy

5. Time heals almost everything
give it time

6. Stop thinking so much
it’s alright not to know all the answers

Con amor,

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