Sunday, January 12, 2020

And God said No!

From time to time when I am cleaning old files, I come across old handouts that I have gotten who knows where and who knows how or when. Maybe it was at a seminary or Institute class or some other Church meeting but it was something someone wrote that I felt needed to be saved. This one is titled " And God said No!"

I asked God to take away my pride,
And God said, No.
He said it was not for him to take away
But for me to give up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole,
And God said, No.
He said, her spirit is whole, her body is temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience,
And God said, No.
He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation,
It isn't granted, it's earned.

I asked God to give me happiness,
And God said, No.
He said he gives blessings, happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain,
And God said, NO.
He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
and brings you closer to me.

I asked God to make my spirit grow,
And God said, No.
He said I must grow on my own,
But he will prune me to make me fruitful.

I asked God if he loved me,
And God said, yes.
He gave me His only begotten Son who died for me
And I will live in Heaven someday because I believe.

I asked God to help me love others a much as he loved me,
And God Said,
Finally, you have the idea.

That is my Sunday Sermon for today,

Con amor,

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