Thoughts on 146 days of quarantine.
“First let me say that I keep my sanity by talking on the phone with people, especially my mother. I call her every day to share a book we are listening and to chat for an hour or more each day. That hour I spend with my mom while she is quarantined as well, is priceless!
Yesterday I told her of a funny anecdote at my wedding. We had very important people attend our wedding but I didn’t have a clue. As the guests were leaving, I would mention if they needed a parking validation for the Joseph Smith’s building where we had our reception. Elder Lynn Robbins came over to say good bye with his lovely wife and I mechanically extended him a parking validation the same way I had done with all our guest not knowing that he didn’t need one since he is after all a General Authority and has his very own parking spot. He was not the only one. Half of the people who came to our wedding were General Authorities Daniel had worked with.
My mom started laughing out loud. It is amazing how much joy and humor and energy she brings to our family. Having her humor got me thinking about the power and influence that positive, optimistic, happy people can have on the world. My mom is a ray of sunshine. It is amazing how a happy person can make life brighter and more fun. Nothing heals the saddened soul like a good dose of laughter will.
I was touched yesterday with the thought that when we reach our old age, and I am not talking about 60 or 70 but more like over 80 or more, which I hope I get to live to see, I was touched with the thought that when we look back at our lives at that age that we will look back and maybe wish we had been happier, more grateful, and more willing to smile and be kind to others. We will probably wish we had enjoyed every moment that life brought our way, even the tough ones like what we are dealing with right now. We probably would wish we had loved more and complained less. We perhaps will wish we had looked at the humor in life and allowed ourselves to laugh out loud more often, rather than being embarrassed at what people might think.
What a great thought to start my day today. I know that my attitude will be much better than how it has been for the past two days. I guess I have been a little disappointed on things not going our way that brought my spirits down but my mom’s laugh yesterday was a great reminder of the way I want to live my life. We deal with so much stress and pressure on a daily basis between work, home, family and community responsibilities that it is no wonder that this pandemic is an opportunity to put your business aside and think of something that makes you laugh. There are true benefits from laughter.
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins (the body's natural "feel good" hormones.)
Laughter relaxes the body and relieves tension.
Laughter boosts the immune system by decreasing stress hormones and increasing immune cells and disease and infection- fighting antibodies.
Laughter protects your heart by improving the function of blood vessels and increasing blood flow, both of which can help protect you from heart problems.
When you find yourself feeling discouraged, find something to make you laugh. A hilarious quote, a funny book, a good joke, a silly picture, a good comedy on TV or a funny movie.The moral of the story is to become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
Con amor,
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