Thoughts on 144 days of quarantine.
At Mandy’s bridal showers, guests wrote a few words of advice that I have kept for over seven years as good reminders for all of us.
Here they are:
“Each night take turns saying the prayer. One will do the odd days and the other the even days is the one and only advice I have follow to exactness.”
“Don’t let the little annoyances become big ones. There are those who hate it when people squeeze the toothpaste from the middle, if it bothers you so much, buy two tubes! “
“Don’t let divorce be an option. (Obviously abuse is an exception) Don’t threaten it and don’t joke about it.”
“Always give your hubby a kiss when he comes home or leaves for work. Stop what you’re doing to greet him."
True partners can achieve more than the sum of each acting alone. With true partners, one plus one is much more than two."
“Pray together each day!”
“I am satisfied that happiness in marriage is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one’s companion.”
‘Your spouse is always first ahead of any family and as far as family is concerned they are perfect; keep problems and complaints away from family. Have faith and communicate but don't involve family in your marriage.”
“Always look for ways to do something nice for your hubby. A sweet note, or a tiny treat, fill his gas tank, wash his car, etc. Nobody toldme these, but 38 years of marriage gives a bit of perspective.”
“You don’t have to prove that you are right all the time. We all have expectations of how marriage should work. Forget those and just enjoy each other.”
“Stop calling me to complain about your husband and go talk to him....I love you"
My mom told me this It was good advice though”
“Marry your best friend and communication is the key. No one can improve or change if you don't let them know something is an issue.”
“Have a date night every week. No matter what! Even if it's just a walk around the block. Make time to be alone together on a regular basis.”
“Don't worry about the small stuff that doesn't really matter and marriage is never about winning or losing, it's about the journey together.”
“You will not remember everything you say about your spouse, but those you tell it to will remember and that will be their impression of them. Choose wisely the light in which you place the one you love more than anyone.” This has been monumental for me! I’m always mindful of the things I say about my husband to strangers and everyone in between. On the flip side, I unfortunately do remember the things I hear others say about their spouses and I’ve never forgotten”
“When you are leaving each other for work etc always say I love you!”
“Never let children come between you and your spouse.”
“Even if there are arguments or disagreements... none of that enters the bedroom, no raised voices or contention in there. Sometimes disagreements and discussions are inevitable, but keep the sanctity of the core part of the home.”
“Kiss each other and tell each other you love them every day.”
“Marriage is awfully simple, just don’t let it get simply awful...the way to make sure that doesn’t happen...remember, it doesn’t matter who is right but what is right.”
“Value each other above all else. Put your marriage, each other and God in the forefront. Pray together daily and never stop dating or holding hands.”
“When you and your spouse disagree wouldyou rather be happy or would you rather be right? Don’t argue in the heat of the moment.”
“Lead your heart... marriage can go up and down but always remember the commitment you made to your spouse”
“Learn to pick your battles. Ask yourself is thisreally worth fighting over? Will it matter 50 years from now?”
“Set goals and expectations you both have so you both will be on the same page. I promise you your relationship will increase and you will be closer than ever.”
“There is no more "your money" or "my stuff". It's all OURS now.”
“It’s better to be married than to be right - in other words, compromise is a good thing.”
“Always choose your marriage above anything or anyone else.”
“Don’t have a tv in your bedroom. Keep it a tech free zone.”
“Be the kind of spouse you’d want to be married to.”
“No intense or important conversations after 10 pm.”
“Communication is very important. Your husband is not a mind reader they do not know what you need or want unless you tell them! Also it is your job to make you happy, it is not fair to expect someone else to make you happy.”
“Laugh together a lot and pray together even more!”
“Put the one you are married to before anyone else!”
“Never threaten to leave when you are angry.”
“Make sure you communicate expectations.”
“Say you are sorry even when is not your fault.”
“Always live the golden rule and never go to bed angry.”
“Marry your best friend and always be kind to each other”
Don ‘t talk about serous matters after 10:00 pm. Wait till the next day when you are not so tired. Don’t worry about the small stuff .... and it’s mostly all small stuff
“It doesn’t matter who is right: just do what’s right.”
“Always communicate with one another & be honest. Even if it’s hard to do.”
“Before marriage, keep your eyes wide open. After the wedding, keep them shut!”
“Never disrespect your spouse by calling them names to their face or to anyone else”
“In a marriage, you’re going to be as happy as you decide to be.”
“A couple that prays together, stays together.”
“Always remember to say “please” and “thank you” to one another.”
“Always say that "I am sorry" and mean it”
“A hug goes a long way. A kiss goes even longer.”
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you.”
“Don’t forget to tell each other “I love you”
“Make sure that your children know you love and adore their daddy.”
“Forgive your spouse. Don't hold a grudge.”
“Nunca salgas de casa sin darle un beso a tu esposa y asistan al templo juntos regularmente.”
“Don’t expect to have what your parents took years to acquire.”
“Love is a verb”
“Date your spouse regularly”
“Marry your best friend’
“Never get into debt”
“Always hold hands”.
“Make it work, no matter what!”
“Prioritize physical intimacy.”
“Put God first and pray each night before going to bed.”
“Be kind to each other. The end!”
Con amor,
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