Thought on 145 days of quarantine.
Yesterday we had the office devotional with Elder Juan Pablo Villar, from Chile. He is the second counselor in the Area Presidency. Sister Villar told of a memory in Chile when they were experiencing an earthquake. She remembers how so many things fell to the floor, but the home remained intact because it had a solid foundation.
In the April 2020 General Conference, Elder Stevenson gave a message where he asked these questions: “What does my foundation look like? What comprises the thick-walled, stable, strong cornerstones that are of my personal foundation, upon which my testimony rests? What are the foundational elements of my spiritual and emotional character that will allow me and my family to remain steadfast and immovable, even to withstand the earthshaking and tumultuous seismic events that will surely take place in our lives?” I recommend reading his talk again to ponder on the message Elder Stevenson shared. He is someone we love listening to at each conference because he was our Presiding Bishop.
Elder Villar’s message was taken from Alma 37:6 “that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” and Alma 39 when Alma is talking to his son Corianton of how important it is that we repent and change our behavior to become good examples.
Yesterday, in our home Church discussion Daniel and I talked about how in the last assignment we learned how Moroni fortified the cities against the enemy. Elder Ezra Taft Benson spoke on this very subject five decades ago, he said: “Evidence of the dastardly work of evil forces is increasingly evident. On every side, we see the sad and heart-rending results. The devil-inspired destructive forces are present in our literature, in our art, in the movies, on the radio, in our dress, in our dances, on the TV screen, and even in our modern, so called popular music. Satan uses many tools to weaken and destroy the home and family and especially our young people…a study of Satan’s methods can alert us to his seductions. In his cunning, he knows where and how to strike… a state of confusion is an effective environment for Satan. There is much confusion today.” (General Conference, October 1971)
In the past, I didn’t enjoy reading the war chapters so I read them super-fast and never had given them the thought they deserve up to last week. There are so many things to think about of how we combat the enemy, so we leave that for you to think about it too.
Con amor,
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