Monday, September 6, 2021

Monday Memory: A Letter to My Child

Each Monday I look through an old journal, so today I found a letter written by Sue Swinton to her new born baby.  She wrote:


My daughter how I love you.

Letting you go is so hard. Please understand that it’s for your own good that I part from you. Take forever this little light that will guide you only if you let it. 

Because you are the most valiant ones you came at this time.

I give you three the following gifts:

First, take my gospel through baptism (when you turn eight) is a blessing you will receive as you study, pray, and live it. You will learn of its precepts and its freedom from carnal man. 

Second, I give you a free country choice above all others in which you were born. In this land, you will increase your knowledge, your talents, whatever you soul want to pursue and pick yourself up to try again in those hours when you fall short. 

Third, A covenant family I give you as a refuge that will provide you substance and security. Parents who will teach you and guide you, a family that will unconditionally love you to whatever course you may choose. 

Fourth, A heritage I give you of men and women polished by their suffering of the spirit and the flesh, a refined heritage of those who have sacrificed personal wants, those who had the courage to stand up for what they believed to be right. Also, a heritage that came from far away driven themselves beyond mortal capacity for you to follow after. 

Take these gifts. It brings me great joy to have you receive them. I know you completely and I Know you have the capacity to use them wisely and I trust that you will. Come to me whenever you need me for I will always be near you. More than anything else, I want you to come back to me. My child, more than anything else, you are part of me. Be faithful my child and someday we can be together again as one. 


Your Father in Heaven 

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