Sec. 102-105 Take –Aways
In the Doctrine and Covenants we find how even when we are dealing with hard things, we still need to focus on the important things, like you still need to proclaim the gospel (99) You still need to organize the Church to perfect the Saints (102) You still need to take care of the poor and the needy (104) and you also get to build a temple. (Even amidst a pandemic) Both in Independence and Kirkland to redeemed the dead. In the mist of all the tribulation the Saints still needed to Proclaim the gospel, build temple, organize the church and care for the poor and the needy. The 4 -fold mission of the Church is the same today as it was back then.
The Doctrine and Covenants contains: Revelations, commandments, translation of ancient records, callings, visions, angelic ministrations, Prophesies, questions and answers, Blessings, letters, and even minutes.
Sec. 102 are the minutes of a meeting
By January 1834 the Church had grown to over 3,000 members. This growth created a need for additional leadership to manage the affairs of the Church
Be nice to the people you preside over, someday, they might preside over you!
Becoming Zion you need to repent!
A High Council will settle difficulties a.k.a. “Church courts”
A High Council helps to resolve questions and problems within the Church members
Procedures are given for hearing cases
The President of the council renders the decision
Instructions of how to run a Stake council are given
Verses 30-32 in section 102 were added to explain the differences between the councils
M. C. is set up so half are to act on behalf of the accuser and the other half of the accused. Each has an equal number of councils
No more disciplinary council they are now “Membership council”
Membership council is for those who have done something very serious
If you make a covenant, don’t break it!
M.C. are done to: Protect others, help the person, Protect the integrity of the Church
No more use of the term excommunication but “Remove membership”
Some only get disfellowship.
M.C. are mostly for people who have a temple recommend, it’s a rare thing and big deal
M.C. are done for criminal acts, abuse, abortion, adultery, and apostasy
God will not be mocked. The covenant breakers. The broken covenant. It’s time to cut off the dead branches. You will be left alone but only if that was the choice you made (See Sec. 38)
It’s about love, fairness, kindness, justice, mercy, repentance and to protect the innocent
We are constantly meeting in councils: Husband and wife councils, family councils. Child parent councils, ward councils, youth councils, stake councils, the council of the Seventy, the council of the twelve, the council of the First Presidency.
The Church is run by councils so that we can settle important things with open ears, open hearts and open minds
There is both divinity and humanity. No matter what you have done, you have half of the council on your side.
All councils should have a leader who decides and have the last word
The whole point of coming together is to share perspectives. The object is to arrive at the truth of the matter, to let fairness and justice prevail.
See Acts 15 when Peter made a decision after it was discussed
There is never a judgement rendered until after prayer has been had.
“There must be the guidance of the spirit, earnestly sought for and then followed, if there is to be justice.” Gordon B. Hinckley
You can appeal to a higher council up to the First Presidency
The restoration is on- going. The President is the judge and the High Council, the jury
You may need two, four or a maximum of six to avoid overkilled
It’s good to be capable but it’s better to be worthy and capable
True discipleship is a life or death matter.
Bondage= sins, referring to scripture power on verse 15 of section 103
After much tribulation, cometh the blessings (See 58: 4 where 3 years before much tribulation was mentioned. Hint, Hint)
Live up to God’s expectations: To BE list: wordy, inspiration, authority, divinity, sprit of God, attributes, to be. To Do list: competent, information, experience, humanity, spiritual gifts, Actions, to do
In section 103, we go back to where we were left in 101 wondering of what to do with the Saints as they had been expelled from Zion (Alma 34:31) only if you repent!
The moment you obey and repent is the moment you prevail
If you have faith, it will happen. The ideal was 500 but only half of the ideal were willing
Victory and glory comes from faithfulness and prayer.
In 104 Reorganizing the United Firm. God has created a world that will provide what you are in need of, there is enough and to spare but we need to take care of our planet
The poor shall be exalted and he Rich shall made low. We each have something to offer. Seek equilibrium. We are the stewards and accountable but never owners. Nothing we have belongs to us, we are stewards, We have abundance, enough to spare. Sec. 104: 16-18
The earth is full, God did not create an earth without abundance unfortunately they are in a few hands the way it was in the days of Sodom and Gomora where they did not take care of the poor and the needy.
The parable teaches how the Lord will reverse the roles. In the parable, we know the name of the poor man but we don’t know the name of the rich man. Opposite of this life with the “rich and famous” Vs. the poor with no name.
The united firm was responsible for the publishing and Bishop storehouse to provide the Saints the bare necessities. The literal and mercantile were dissolved and got re organized.
The goal and purpose of caring for the poor is everlasting. It does not change. Programs may change but the promise has not.
Separate Stewardship from ownership (See Sec. 38)
Covetousness has to go! “Don’t keep up with the Joneses”
Sec. 104: 20-23 is for Sydney Rigdom; 24-26 Martin Harris; 27-33 Fredrick William and Oliver Cowdery; 34-38 John Johnson; 39-42 Newel Whitney; 43-46 Joseph Smith. He gives specific assignments to each member of the United Firm, like Martin Harris was asked to give up his possessions. He contributed immensely to building the Kirkland temple.
Is like maybe someday you will be able to help your aging parents or contribute to a good cause. This is the beginning, is not personal contribution, is not how much can I get but how much can I contribute?
If finances are a source of contention in a marriage, this section has good advice as you council together.
Rule #1 Stay out of debt except for a home and education
Rule #2 Increase your income and decrease your expenses. Minimize all expenses
We spend money on things we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like. Keeping up the appearances. It’s all about pride. We need to live within our means
Rule #3 Let the Lord be part of the equation. He will soften the hearts of those to whom you are in debt. Pray to be guided.
To be debt free is spelled victory. Out of bondage
A multiplicity of blessings. Give and it shall be given unto you. That is the Malachi measure
Take out ownership from your vocabulary. Use stewardship. It is mentioned 25 times.
Keep the widow’s mite in mind anytime you ask for things that are consecrated funds. The DTA is the agent.
Become Zion before building Zion
Come out of the spiritual wilderness
Do everything worthily, lawfully and legally
In 105 we go back to Zion Camp
Brigham Young learned everything he needed to know in Zion’s camp
If the Saints had established Missouri they would not have died in the Civil War (My opinion)
Without the power of the endowment, the power of the temple people could not build Zion
They needed to be better neighbors. Don’t boast that you are better than they are.
You want your light to shine but not to blind them. Be good to your neighbors and slowly your numbers will get larger, but they made a mistake of coming all at once.
The power is of the spirit not military
The tower is the temple, the watchman is the prophet
The day will come. It is by the wicked that the wicked will be punished.
April 1999 “Your name is safe in my home”
This is conversion to a lifestyle of honesty, humility, equality, and peace.
Many were chosen because of the choices they made along the way to Zion’s camp
Make a proclamation of peace, we are peaceful people
It’s all going to work out, in the meantime, be faithful, there were the men who had offered their lives and who had made a great sacrifice as did Abraham
See April 2007 Elder Hollands talk
“Brethren, some of you are angry with me because you did not fight in Missouri but let me tell you, God did not want you to fight. He could not organize his kingdom with 12 men to open the gospel door to the nations of the earth, and 70 men under the direction to follow their tracks unless he took them from Zion camp.” Joseph Smith
I am in gratitude for those poor souls who sacrificed so much for what I get to enjoy today.
Con amor,
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