From section 98 to 101 I learned:
Be Still and Know that I am God. He is in the details of our lives
Find a quiet moment to be still
The Saints were going through an Abrahamic test
Sadly, they brought it upon themselves
Fear not, in everything give thanks
Zion is both a place and of people
Wait patiently on the Lord. God is aware of your prayers
He is the Lord of hosts, Lord of Armies, Lord of Sabaoth.
Zion will be preserved
Give them reason to respect you. You supposed to be buiding a temple
You overcome evil by proclaiming peace
The work still goes on
All things work together for our own good
Put things the things from God, the temple for example
This is the first time we become aware of the rule of law (3 Nephi 11:40)
The watchman in the tower is the prophet of God
God is in charge, things will work out in the end
Pray for righteousness. Pray for the forces of God
Let us stand firm against evil both home and abroad
Joseph tried to appealed to the government but to no avail
Let us live worthy of the blessings to live with Him. The Father of us all
We are people of peace, we are freedom loving people
Don’t take counsel from your fears. Let your heart be comforted. Be fearless!
John Murdock had a life -long mission. He was called to preach at a hard time
Willingly accept correction or chastening. God considers us worth of correcting
To persuade us to repent to refine and sanctify us, to re direct our course
To what God knows is a better path. Correction may come in prayer, reading the scriptures, or our leaders who call us to repentance or can cause from our spouse or family member.
Many Saints settled in Missouri too fast. They were becoming too powerful, they clash with their neighbors, politically, economically, socially, religious views. That provoked the government leaders to expel them. They burn their houses and tar and feather their members as well as breaking in to throw away the printing press. Revelation 98 was received days before Joseph Smith knew about what was happening in Missouri after the revelation was received
Kirkland Ohio and Independence Missouri are 900 miles away, that is like when we go to Nebraska from Utah.
The Saints were going through infuriating unfairness
In the eternities, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will resolved all the unfairness
All that is unfair about life can be made right through the atonement of Jesus Christ
In everything five thanks.
The refiner’s fire is real. Qualities, of character and righteousness are forged in the furnace of affliction perfect and purify us to meet God.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Our safety relies in repentance, our strength comes through the obedience of the commandments of God. Let us be prayerful.” Elder Cook
The saints had been commanded to stand in higher ground and wait. What does it mean to wait? It means to hope, to anticipate and to trust. It requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, long suffering, enduring to the end.
In General Conference 2014 “When we are grateful to God in our circumstances we can experience gentle peace in the mist of tribulation. “ Elder Uchtdorf.
The Lord wants his Saints to be law abiding and active citizens
We live in an age of the gathering
We are building temples to dot the earth
The saints are chastened and commanded to repent
What would have been a saving grace is if they had built the temple
The Lord only will allow war when He commands it
Forgive your enemies, if they will repent, they will be forgiven
The Constitution was inspired by men of God. The laws need to be constitutional as long as it promotes freedom. I the Lord will make you free.”
Our loyalty is to the constitution, not to any office holder or party affiliation
The United States Constitution is unique because God releveled it
As long as it promotes freedom. I the Lord made you free!
The Law should continue to make you free.
When the wicked rule, the people mourn
That is why the constitution is of special concern to the Church and throughout the world
The Constitution is for the people not for kings and rulers
Citizens are to promote constitutional principles
Don’t fall into Party politics
God has given his children moral agency
In Greek repent means to turn away
We have a State and Federal government
Three separation of powers
The Bill of Rights and The Rule of law
Even under persecution or opposition, Saints should extend forgiveness and without retribution
The Holy Spirit can enable us to teach with power. You say things you did not plan to say
You always learn something from what you say when the spirit is teaching
Teach with the scriptures in your hand. Let people know where you find the inspiration
Make your testimony of and from the scriptures
We should seek for good, honest and wise men and women in government
Take an active role that promotes the constitutional freedom rather than political agendas
You must forgive 70X7 or in orders words until you stop counting, not seeking revenge
In the millennium Satan shall have no power. No deaths .
Built first His kingdoms. We are the salt of the earth
The parable of the nobleman and the olive trees. The Saints are to gather
If you do it may way, you get my help
1. Have the right attitude. Attitude is everything!
2. Have the right motive or reason
3. Don’t retaliate of strike back on Alma 43 it explains why not fight back.
In the past 200 years, we have been gathering Israel all over the world.
Be prepare, keep pleading, pray always.
Con amor,
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