Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bazar day

This was a special day and very spiritual too. We had Elder Nelson visiting our area office so the contents of the devotional is in my other blog. "Seeds of destiny" where I only write about spiritual experiences. Elder Nelson was so kind as to acknowledged Daniel at the end of his talk. I felt so touched by all the nice things he said about Daniel.

Afterwards, I went with Jeana and Caroline to the famous Bazar they have once a month in the Philippines. This was my first time and wanted to go before my trip next week to the US but why did't I think of going later after Elder Nelson left the office. I wished I had stayed with Daniel at the office since Elder Nelson came there to spend a few more minutes privately. I don't know why I didn't think of that. I needed to cancel going since it was more important to be with Daniel but I don't know whey I didn't think of that. What was I thinking? Now it's too late! There would never be another chance like this one and to think that this is the reason why I have stayed in Manila or I would have gone to Idaho by now. Oh well, live and learn.

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