Tuesday, February 2, 2016


What does IFLC mean you might ask? It stands for International Festival of Language and Culture.  We got invited to be at the Newport Performance Arts Theater here in Manila to witness young men and women from around the world perform music and dance.

The Philippines were hosting this event so they were able to perform several numbers including dances. The rest were kids from ages around 14 to 19 (Is my  guess) performing. They all seemed young teens. One in particular stole the show because he was so little and cute.

I love going to events like this because sometimes we get so caught up in doing "stuff" that we forget to take time to have a little fun in life. Between work, children, cleaning the house, community involvement doing laundry, church responsibilities, etc, etc, etc, we simply don't take time to get out and have a good time. Tonight I was reminded how amazing it feels to step way from everyday duties and just enjoy an evening out.

Here in Manila we have let life go far too long without having a "fun break"! We stay home since we are scared to get out to have to fight the traffic. After getting out tonight and having a good time, I have to tell of you out there that I highly recommend that you all find a way to get out and just have some fun in your life in the next week or so. Whether is seeing a good show, having out with friends, going out to dinner, enjoying a concert etc. Whatever it is that entertains you and makes you happy or laugh or puts a smile on your face. Get out and do it! You need that time just to have fun!

Despite the fact that the sound system was super loud, (we were seated on the second row) Daniel and I could see the performance up close. The evening was absolutely fantastic and we were able to spend some time with the Area Presidency who made us laugh and smile and who made the evening very enjoyable. It turned out to be a fabulously fun evening and I was truly grateful that I had that "time out" from my normal life of staying home alone all day to just go out for the evening.

Don't get caught up in doing everyday things that you forget to laugh and smile and play a little. It is amazing how invigorating it can be to just remember why it is like to have fun in your life. It is good for your heart and it is good for your soul. It makes you feel more relaxed and happy and that helps improve your overall health. I need to reming myself not to let having fun become buried under a million other priorities. Start thinking of what you want to do and where you want to go and have fun!

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