Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What I love

I love to travel. I got my tickets confirmed. I have to leave on July 1st because there are no seats available later in the month. I am returning on August 2nd so that will be a whole month away for home leave.

I also love staying connected with my family and friends. I love to meet people and I love to write journals and stories to help my posterity get to know me. Besides waiting, I love to hike the canyons of our majestic mountains in Utah and kayaking at our beautiful lakes. I love working out and Zumba, yes, I really do! I don't mind exercising since I also love to eat. I love to cooking new recipes and love to bake. I also love to scrapbook and doing family History.

I grew up in El Salvador but have lived most of my grown up years abroad. From the longest I have lived in one place to the shortest: Utah was my home for 30 plus years, El Salvador for 18. The Dominican Republic for five, The Philippines for three and counting and Tucson, Arizona for three so as you can see, I have spent most of my life in Utah and hope to retire there since it is the gathering place for our family.

Con amor,

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