Today marks 11 years since my father passed away. I Remember exactly receiving the phone call that morning. I started to cry the minute I heard. My mother was at his side going to the get his dialysis that morning but he didn't make it. HIs lugs were covered with water and passed out from a heart attack. My mother had always said that he died peacefully. She was there with him during his last two years of his illness. She took care of him each day and night. She hardly slept for during that time and she aged so much to the point that she looked as old as he did. She was 15 years younger than him.
I was thinking today how much it has changed since that February 3rd 2006. My divorce was pending. I was hoping for a miracle. I lived in the Mill Circle home. Mandy was only 14. Bianca had just gotten married six months earlier and Cristi had been married for a couple of years.
I wonder what new changes will life throw at me in the next 11 years. That would be February 3rd 2028. I will be 68 years old and Daniel will be 73 so I imagine that by then we will be retired or on a mission if we make it to be that old. No one ever knows the exact day when we get to be called home or when this world will eventually come to an end.
If we are still around, I wonder how many grandchildren we would have by then and if we would be great-grandparents. My mom became a great-grandma around that age. Amazing to think of "que sera sera whatever will be... que sera sera."
Con amor,
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