Sunday, February 12, 2017


RootsTech is the "world’s largest family history gathering without question," according to it's organizers. It's sponsored by FamilySearch International, the genealogy service operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint's Family History Department.

Attendees are from all 50 states in the United States and over 50 other countries. All of these people have come together to hear keynote speakers, attend classes offered in numerous tracks geared for everyone from just starting out beginners interested in genealogy and family history, to experts in the field.

The conference is also attended by Entrepreneurs, Investors, and product developers all interested in playing in this multi-billion dollar industry. 

Last Friday, Actor LeVar Burton was gifted his families story while he was speaking at the RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City.

The successful actor — known for his roles on Star Trek, Reading Rainbow, and Roots — was at the conference to talk about his life and career to a crowd of nearly 30,000 people that had traveled for the conference.

But caught off guard in the middle of this talk, RootsTech presented Burton with information he hadn't seen before— information of where his ancestors were born into slavery — information that his mother has always wanted to know.

“She’s 85 and I know that I will be presenting her with information she’s never had,” Burton said.

“Being gifted my story (was) really powerful,” he added.

Sister and Elder Nelson were there as presenters too. I am a huge fan of family history and genealogy and the more I do it the more hooked I become. I love learning where I came from, who I am related to, and then reading about the lives of the incredible ancestors I have and the incredible lives they lived. I have learned more from reading their journals and histories than I would ever have imagined. It really helps you learn more about who you are as a person by understanding where and who you came from.  Try it for yourself – its amazing!

he RootsTech family conference began Wednesday and ended Saturday. 
One day I want to go to this!

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