Sunday, February 5, 2017

Three words

Today we attended the Caloocan ward in Tagalog. It's fast and testimony meeting and the only three words I understood was Familia, Problema and Jesucristo. Those words translate into family, problem and Jesus Christ.

After a few pauses, I got up and bore my testimony about those three words. I am thankful for all those things. I am thankful first and foremost for the gospel of Jesus Christ. For His love for me. I am thankful for His Church. I belong to that Church of His. That is the foundation of everything I do. My testimony of Jesus Christ is what I treasure the most.

I am also thankful for my family. Starting with my parents, sisters, husband and children. I can't imagine my life without them. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to be a mother. My most cherished part of who I am. Above any titles, the one of a mother and grandmother are my favorites!

I am also thankful for the trials or problems I had to overcome in life. Those problems is what has made me stronger. At the time going through them didn't seemed like that but today I can honestly say, I have become a better person because of them. I got closer to my Heavenly Father. That's for sure! I prayed so hard during those dark days. Everything that has come my way, good or bad, I  have accepted as part of being human. Someday I hope I will figure out the why? but for now, I just simply live one day at a time hoping that the next day I can honestly say " I did my best."

Con amor,


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