Monday, August 21, 2017

A FHE lesson for the Solar Eclipse

No solar eclipse excitement in the Philippines for us. Today is like any other regular day and night. Nothing special so while you are experiencing the solar eclipse, people on the other side of the world are in bed sleeping. 

Nevertheless, I think it's a very exiting phenomenon taking place so to commemorate this day I am re posting something I found on LDS Living on ideas for Family Home Evening. 

 A FHE lesson on the Solar Eclipse.

Galaxy Popcorn
-1 Bag of Microwave Popcorn
-1 Bag of Black Candy Melts
-1 Bag of Royal Blue Candy Melts
-1 Bag of Lavender Candy Melts
-1 Vial of Silver Edible Stars – found at your local craft store
1. Make popcorn according to package instructions.
2. Melt whole bag of black candy melts in microwave according to package instructions.
3. In large bowl, gently combine popcorn and black melted candy until coated.
4. Spread popcorn in a single layer on wax paper lined cookie sheet.
5. Melt ¼ cup of blue candy melts. Drizzle on top of popcorn.

6. Melt ¼ cup of lavender candy melts. Drizzle on top of popcorn.
7. Sprinkle edible stars on top of your popcorn.
8. Refrigerate for 10-15 minutes, or until candy has hardened. Serve immediately or store in airtight container.

The Day Dawn is Breaking #52

Activity: Learn About Solar Eclipses
Learn about why we have solar eclipses. You can watch YouTube videos, check out books from the library, or do a special craft. You can even pull up streaming videos and photos of previous solar eclipses.
Dark times will end! 
Scripture: Psalm 30:5
For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. 

 (For younger children, you may consider discussing what dark things are, such as sin or trials, and how we can find the light of Christ inspire of them.)

Read aloud: The gospel of Jesus Christ is often associated with light. In the scriptures, Jesus Christ tells his disciples that he is the light of the world. We are told that when our eyes are single to the glory of God, our whole bodies will be full of light.
Sometimes, however, our lives are very dark. We may be going through a trial, we may have sinned, or maybe we just feel separate from God, no matter how hard we are trying.
Ask: Why do we go through dark times? What is the purpose?
Read aloud: As a part of our eternal journey to become like our Heavenly Father, we were sent to Earth to gain experience. We knew that we would live in a fallen world, where we would face sickness, betrayal, grief, loss, and much more.

Just as a solar eclipse, when the moon blocks out the light of the sun, the darkness we face can seem to block out all the light of God’s love and goodness. It can seem overwhelming, scary, and lonely. We may find it hard to continue to look for God’s light in our lives.
Ask: What can we do to get through the dark times in our lives?
Ask: What have you learned from trials in your life?
Read aloud: It may seem hard to believe, but dark times will not last forever. Eventually, the light will start shining brightly again. This may not happen when we want it too. We cannot change what has happened to us. But God has promised if we will hold faithful to our covenants, then we can have the light of Jesus Christ in our lives.

Con amor,

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