Today I am sharing an article I saw on Forbes. I felt inspired to do so after looking at four couples who were posting their anniversary photos on Facebook.
This is something that I saw once when I went to see my counselor while going trough a very painful divorce. He had in his wall in huge letters " The most important career choice you'll ever make is who you marry because 99 percent of the stress in your life will depend on who you have chosen for a partner."
Nearly a century ago,
journalist Napoleon Hill set out on a mission to uncover and document the
strategies used by the wealthiest and most successful businessmen in America.
He studied more than 500
self-made millionaires over 20 years, and his research culminated in the 1937
bestseller "Think and Grow Rich," which shares what he calls the "money-making
secret" in 13 principles.
His 10th principle —
"the mystery of sex transmutation" — suggests that love, romance, and
sex are critical factors in the determination of one's success and wealth.
Hill writes:
Sex desire is the most
powerful of human desires ...
When harnessed, and
redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its
attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as
powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or
calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches ...
Love, romance, and sex are
all emotions capable of driving men to heights of super achievement ... When
combined, these three emotions may lift one to an altitude of a genius.
Hill makes some bold
claims: "The men of greatest achievement are men with highly developed sex
natures," and "the men who have accumulated great fortunes ... were
motivated by the influence of a woman."
While this principle may
seem a little far-fetched, there is something to be said about having a
supportive partner to achieve financial success — an idea that has surfaced and
gained relevance today, 78 years later.
"The most important
career choice you'll make is who you marry," Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg,
whose estimated net worth is
$1.1 billion, said at the 2011 IGNITION conference
in New York.
Many echo this sentiment,
including Catherine Alford of The Simple Dollar, who wrote:
"If I'd selected a different spouse, my life would look very different ...
My spouse, whether I realized it or not at the time, has been the best money
decision of my life."
It makes sense. As
motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously
said: We are the average of the five people
we spend the most time with, which is especially
true when it comes to our spouses.
These claims are backed
by research. One study,
by Brittany C. Solomon and Joshua J. Jackson of Washington University in St.
Louis, shows that having a conscientious spouse can
boost your salary significantly.
"With every
standard-deviation increase in a spouse's conscientiousness, an employee is
likely to earn about $4,000 more a year," reported
the Harvard Business Review.
"An employee with an extremely conscientious spouse (two standard
deviations above the mean) is 50% more likely to get a promotion than an
employee with an extremely unconscientious spouse (two standard deviations
below the mean)."
Conscientious spouses
tend to allow their partner to focus more on their career. Also, people with
conscientious spouses generally feel more satisfied with their marriage, and
this absence of stress and drama at home allows them to bring more emotional
and physical energy to work, the researchers concluded.
While parts of Hill's
philosophy are outdated — he analyzed only rich men and wrote for a
predominantly male audience — he was on to something when he suggested
relationships are a crucial step toward accumulating wealth.
I think this is true considering that I have never been known to be a huge spender. I don't ever remember going shopping for anything other than food and the simple necessities in life and I am still that way. I hate waste!
Con amor,
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