Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Have a little Faith

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breath, and have FAITH that everything will work out for the best.

After working incredibly hard for the last few weeks to get the home on Mill Circle ready to be sold, I definitely needed to hear that quote you just read.  As I fall into bed completely exhausted tonight after talking to people who are still getting stuff done in the house, still obsessing over every little detail we need to finish to have tomorrow be a day where pictures can be taken. I needed the reminder that it is time to stop the obsessing and for me to just breathe and have a little faith! 

That advice doesn’t just apply to me and my life, it applies to all of you reading this blog.  All of us have those moments when we get so wrapped up in worrying and stressing and even downright obsessing and we all sometimes need the reminder that we need to take a deep breath and realize that once we have done the best we can do we need to turn it over to the Lord and have faith that everything will work out for the best.  No matter how many times I have seen that to be true, and I can tell you that I know it to be true 100% in my life, every now and again I find myself needing to be reminded of it anyway.  So I was grateful that the quote was brought to my attention today because today of all days I needed that reminder.  And for any of you that have been stressing over things in your own lives, hopefully my passing the quote along to you will help you in your lives as well. 

 I do feel the need to apologize to any of you who have been emailing me the last several weeks as I have fallen way behind on my emails as we have been so wrapped up in preparing for the home on Mill Circle and traveling the world.  Forgive me if I haven’t gotten back to you.  Once we get all the things ironed out and the home goes on the market tomorrow or the next day, I am going to do my best to go back and catch up with everyone. So forgive me and know that my lack of response does not represent a lack of caring in any way.

Have a FABULOUS day everyone! No matter what is happening in your life right now, remember to just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best! And I am going to do the same. 

Con amor,

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