Notes from the visit of President Nelson and Elder Cook in Buenos Aires to 40,000 viewers and 12,000 in attendance.
Speakers: Sister De Hoyos and Elder De Hoyos followed by sister Cook and Elder Cook followed by Sister Nelson and President Nelson.
En Español:
La hermana De Hoyos perdió a su madre cuando tenía 15 años y fue una experiencia muy triste para ella, pero el siguiente año los misioneros tocaron su puerta y fue de consuelo aprender sobre el plan de salvación. Dio testimonio de ser amigables con todas las personas y de compartir nuestro testimonio de las verdades que conocemos para sembrar la semilla. Fue muy impactante lo que nos compartió de su testimonio y nos habló de guardar el día de reposo y guardarlo santo.
El Elder De Hoyos hablo de siempre participar de la Santa Cena. Pagar los diezmos con el corazón y dispuestos a guardar los mandamientos. Recalcó: “No te olvides de pagar tus diezmos.” Probadme en esto y recibian bendiciones hasta que sobreabunde.” Purificar el lenguaje. Obedecer la palabra de sabiduria. Preparnos para asistir al templo y estar sellados en el templo. Hablo del Presidente Nelson con 10 hijos y muchos nietos y muchísimos bisnietos. A sus 94 anos, Dios lo mantuvo vivo para que dirija su iglesia en estos días y de hecho para que estuviera con nosotros.
La hermana Cook:
Hizo mención de las empanadas que le encantaron. Hablo de las cosas del corazón. Asistir al templo. Empezar con el fin en mente y entenderemos el propósito de nuestras vidas.
Elder Cook:
Tenemos desafíos en este viaje mortal y porque un Dios justo permite que cosas malas le sucedan a personas buenas? Sabemos que hay un principio que nos permite sentir confianza que hay un futuro. Nuestro Padre Celestial nos conoce y conoce nuestros desafíos y sufrimientos. Su hijo Jesucristo vino para pagar por nuestros pecados. The Father’s plan includes all his children to obtain eternal life. La vida es como haber entrado en una obra de teatro en el Segundo acto. Hay algo que sucedió en el primer acto y algo vendra en el tercer acto. Lo importante es entender que las injusticias serán hechas justas! Mosiah 2:41 Cosas para recordar:
1. Have a Gospel centered home doing come follow me each week
2. Keep the Sabbath Day Holy
3. Pray morning and night as a family
4. Pay an honest tithing
5. Attend the temple regularly
La hermana Nelson empezo hacienda una preguta: Do you feel concern about something? Is there something that is bothering you? And the answer was, go to the temple. One way to deal with concerns is to go to the temple and do family history. Read Elder Scott talk on Oct. 2012 The joy of redeeming the dead. This talk spoke to her that day. It has eternal consequences.
President Nelson gave his remarks in SPANISH. He Had all the children first stand and said: “This is the hope of Israel, the children of the promise” As he said those words I thought about our 22 grandchildren. His message was simple and straight to the point. Among other things he said: “Guarden los mandamientos de Dios” or Obey the commandments of God. “If you want to be happy, keep the commandments.”
The Saints were thrilled to hear the Prophet in their native Spanish. President Nelson lovingly invited all to …”teach your children, and also each other, about the Lord Jesus Christ… His Atonement is the most important event in the history of the world and is the foundation of our religion.” He told them how the Gospel of Jesus Christ can afford a peace so profound it can offer comfort in the most difficult times even in the face of certain death. (He told of a story when he was on a plane that almost crashed but he didn’t feel scared to die. He said: “Actually, the dead on the other side of the veil do not like being called dead.”
President Nelson said this on his Facebook page:
“We were privileged to meet some new friends in Argentina for whom the Church has been able to help provide wheelchairs. I was touched by their gratitude. Ministering to those in need is at the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As I travel through Latin America, I am continually reminded of how God loves His children. During a meeting with members and friends of the Church in Argentina, I felt inspired to remind those in attendance about our Father in Heaven’s desire for us to approach Him in prayer. Pour out your hearts to God. Remember to pray to Him every morning and night. Pray with your families. Pray in private. Pray to our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost. In doing so, He will direct you for good in everything you do.
” At the very end we all got up to say good bye to President Nelson and singing: " Te Damos Señor Nuestras Gracias or We thank Thee of God for a Prophet."
Con amor,