Friday, August 23, 2019

No person is an Island

No person is an island because from the minute we come to this world we are in contact with people around us. Parents, siblings, extended family, friends and later our spouse if we are lucky enough to find the one! 

We are who we are because of the people we know. I can only think of two secrets to a happy relationship one starts by choosing carefully those people we want to be around and two, I believe that in a relationship you get what you put into it. 

I make a conscious effort to spend more time with people who inspires me and less time with the negative people who either hold me back or don’t positively impact me and frankly there not that too many of those around. Thank goodness! For this reason, I like to categorize them according to who lifts me up, who brings me down and who does neither. The key is to understand the value of each relationship that comes into your life. 

You don’t need to be spending time with people who drain your energy or seed doubts in your mind or are truly toxic. I try to surround myself with positive amazing people who share my same values and I stay away from people who do not.  Time is my most valuable asset so I like to spend it with people who are worth my time.

I find myself constantly evaluating who is emotionally draining me and who is giving me energy. If I am not motivated or inspired by the people I spend time with, It’s harder for me to feel happy. Being with people who believe in me and provide me the strength I need to turn my dreams into reality is critical to me and this is why I married Daniel. 

I believe that the most important people in our lives are those people close to us who are there for us when we need them, those are the people we call when we need support or when we want to share a happy moment and those same people are also the people who help us become aware of our imperfections and flaws we may not be able or want to acknowledge. No one knows us better than our domestic partner and those people we share our roof with. 

Today, Daniel gets in town. Yay! I miss him so much when he is away but I did go out yesterday with two great friends to explore Buenos Aires. We took the subway to the city and started walking all around the City. Finding time to spend with good friends is a must when you feel a little lonely.  We had so much fun!  Buenos Aires is truly a gem of a City. 

Con amor,

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